Aspose::TeX::IO Namespace Reference


class  IFileCollector
 Defines methods for selecting collections of files. More...
class  IInputTerminal
 Interface for abstract input terminal. More...
class  IInputWorkingDirectory
 Interface of generalized input working directory. More...
class  InputConsoleTerminal
 Provides the console as a terminal input source. More...
class  InputFileSystemDirectory
 Implements the regular file system's method for getting a file stream to read from. More...
class  InputZipDirectory
 Implements the method for getting a file stream to write to when working directory is a ZIP archive. More...
class  IOutputTerminal
 Interface for abstract output terminal. More...
class  IOutputWorkingDirectory
 Interface of generalized output working directory. More...
class  NamedStream
 Associates a stream of a random nature with a name. More...
class  NamespaceDoc
 The Aspose.TeX.IO namespace provides classes for I/O that TeX engine performs. More...
class  NondisposableMemoryStream
 The class that encapsulates a stream that cannot be disposed by calling the System::IDisposable::Dispose method, whether explicitly or implicitly. More...
class  OutputConsoleTerminal
 Provides the console as a terminal output destination. More...
class  OutputFileSystemDirectory
 Implements the regular file system's method for getting a file stream to write to. More...
class  OutputFileTerminal
 Implements a terminal whose output is to be written to a file in some working directory. More...
class  OutputMemoryTerminal
 Provides a memory stream as a terminal output destination. More...
class  OutputZipDirectory
 Implements the method for getting a file stream to write to when working directory is a ZIP archive. More...