System::Data::SqlClient::SqlConnectionStringBuilder class

SqlConnectionStringBuilder class

SQL-based connection builder. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class SqlConnectionStringBuilder : public System::Data::Common::DbConnectionStringBuilder


get_DataSource() constGets data source (e. g. hostname and port).
get_Encrypt() constChecks whether encription is enabled on line.
get_InitialCatalog() constGets name of database associated with connection.
get_NetworkLibrary() constGets used network library name.
get_Password() constGets password used to connect to database.
get_TrustServerCertificate() constChecks whether connection is protected using trust server certificate.
get_UserID() constGets user id used for connection.
idx_get(String) overrideRTTI information.
idx_set(String, Object::ptr) overrideSets keyed object.
set_DataSource(const String&)Gets data source (e. g. hostname and port).
set_Encrypt(bool)Toggles encryption on or off.
set_InitialCatalog(const String&)Sets name of database associated with connection.
set_NetworkLibrary(const String&)Selects network library to use.
set_Password(const String&)Sets password to be used to connect to database.
set_TrustServerCertificate(bool)Determines whether connection is protected using trust server certificate.
set_UserID(const String&)Sets user id to use for connection.

See Also