System::Drawing::Drawing2D::AdjustableArrowCap class

AdjustableArrowCap class

Represents an adjustable arrow-shaped line cap. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class AdjustableArrowCap : public System::Drawing::Drawing2D::CustomLineCap


AdjustableArrowCap(float, float, bool)Constructs a new instance of AdjustableArrowCap with the specified width and height.
get_Filled() constReturns a value that indicates if the arrow represented by the current object is filled.
get_Height() constReturns the height of the arrow represented by the current object.
get_MiddleInset() constSets the distance between the line and the cap represented by the current object.
get_Width() constReturns the width of the arrow represented by the current object.
set_Filled(bool)Sets a value that specifies if the arrow represented by the current object is filled.
set_Height(float)Sets the height of the arrow represented by the current object.
set_MiddleInset(float)Sets the distance between the line and the cap represented by the current object.
set_Width(float)Sets the width of the arrow represented by the current object.

See Also