System::Drawing::Drawing2D::HatchStyle enum

HatchStyle enum

Specifies patterns of HatchBrush brush.

enum class HatchStyle


Horizontal0Horizontal lines.
Vertical1Vertical lines.
ForwardDiagonal2Lines on a diagonal from top-left to bottom-right.
BackwardDiagonal3Lines on a diagonal from top-right to bottom-left.
Cross4Criss-cross horizontal and vertical lines.
DiagonalCross5Criss-cross diagonal lines.
Percent056A 5% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 5:95.
Percent107A 10% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 10:90.
Percent208A 20% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 20:80.
Percent259A 25% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 25:75.
Percent3010A 30% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 30:70.
Percent4011A 40% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 40:60.
Percent5012A 50% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 50:50.
Percent6013A 60% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 60:40.
Percent7014A 70% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 70:30.
Percent7515A 75% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 75:25.
Percent8016A 80% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 80:20.
Percent9017A 90% hatch. The foreground-to-backgroud color ratio is 90:10.
LightDownwardDiagonal18Diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points and are spaced 50%, not antialiased.
LightUpwardDiagonal19Diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points, not antialiased.
DarkDownwardDiagonal20Diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points, not antialiased.
DarkUpwardDiagonal21Diagonal lines that slant to the left from top points to bottom points, not antialiased.
WideDownwardDiagonal22Diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points, not antialiased.
WideUpwardDiagonal23Diagonal lines that slant to the right from top points to bottom points, not antialiased.
LightVertical24Vertical lines.
LightHorizontal25Horizontal lines.
NarrowVertical26Vertical lines.
NarrowHorizontal27Horizontal lines.
DarkVertical28Vertical lines.
DarkHorizontal29Horizontal lines.
DashedDownwardDiagonal30Dashed downward diagonal lines.
DashedUpwardDiagonal31Dashed upward diagonal lines.
DashedHorizontal32Dashed horizontal lines.
DashedVertical33Dashed vertical lines.
SmallConfetti34Small confetti.
LargeConfetti35Large confetti.
Wave37Wawed lines.
DiagonalBrick38Diagonal brick pattern.
HorizontalBrick39Horizontal brick pattern.
DottedGrid43Dotted grid.
DottedDiamond44Dotted diamond.
SmallGrid48Small grid.
SmallCheckerBoard49Small checker board.
LargeCheckerBoard50Large checker board.
OutlinedDiamond51Outline diamond.
SolidDiamond52Solid diamond.
LargeGridn/aLarge grid.
Minn/aThe first member of this enum.
Maxn/aThe last member of this enum.

See Also