System::Drawing::ContentAlignment enum

ContentAlignment enum

Specifies the content alignment.

enum class ContentAlignment


TopLeft1Aligned vertically at the top, and horizontally on the left.
TopCenter2Aligned vertically at the top, and horizontally at the center.
TopRight4Aligned vertically at the top, and horizontally on the right.
MiddleLeft16Aligned vertically in the middle, and horizontally on the left.
MiddleCenter32Aligned vertically in the middle, and horizontally at the center.
MiddleRight64Aligned vertically in the middle, and horizontally on the right.
BottomLeft256Aligned vertically at the bottom, and horizontally on the left.
BottomCenter512Aligned vertically at the bottom, and horizontally at the center.
BottomRight1024Aligned vertically at the bottom, and horizontally on the right.

See Also