System::Drawing::FontFamily class

FontFamily class

Represents a group of type faces that share a similar basic design. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class FontFamily : public System::Object


Clone()Returns a copy of the current FontFamily object.
Dispose()Releases all operating system resources acquired by the current object.
Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideDetermines if the current and the specified objects are identical.
FontFamily(const String&)Constructs a new instance of FontFamily class that represents a font family with the specified name.
FontFamily(const String&, const SharedPtr<Text::FontCollection>&)Constructs a new instance of FontFamily in the specified FontCollection with the specified name.
FontFamily(Text::GenericFontFamilies)Constructs a new instance of FontFamily from the specified generic font family.
static get_Families()Returns an array containing all FontFamily objects associated with the current graphics context.
static get_GenericMonospace()Returns a FontFamily object that represents a Generic Monospace font family.
static get_GenericSansSerif()Returns a FontFamily object that represents a Generic Sans Serif font family.
static get_GenericSerif()Returns a FontFamily object that represents a Generic Serif font family.
get_Name() constReturns the name of the font family represented by the current object.
GetCellAscent(FontStyle)Returns the cell ascent of the font family represented by the current object for the specified font style.
GetCellDescent(FontStyle)Returns the cell descent of the font family represented by the current object for the specified font style.
GetEmHeight(FontStyle)Returns the height of em square in font design units for the specified style.
GetLineSpacing(FontStyle)Returns the line spacing of the font family represented by the current object for the specified font style.
GetName(int) constReturns the name of the font family represented by the current object.
IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle)Determines if the specified font style is available.
virtual ~FontFamily()Destructor.

See Also