System::Net::Cache::HttpRequestCacheLevel enum

HttpRequestCacheLevel enum

The enum describes cache settings for HTTP.

enum class HttpRequestCacheLevel


Default0Satisfies a request for a resource either by using the cached copy of the resource or by sending a request for the resource to the server.
BypassCache1Satisfies a request by using the server.
CacheOnly2Always uses the client cache to get a resource.
CacheIfAvailable3Satisfies a request for a resource from the cache if the resource is available, otherwise sends a request to the server.
Revalidate4Using a resource local copy if the client timestamp is the same as the timestamp of the resource on the server. Otherwise, a resource is downloaded from a server.
Reload5A resource is always downloaded from the server.
NoCacheNoStore6Never satisfies a request by using resources from the cache and does not cache resources.
CacheOrNextCacheOnly7Satisfies a request for a resource either from the local computer’s cache or from a remote cache on the LAN.
Refresh8Satisfies a request by using the server or a cache other than the local cache.

See Also