System::Net::Http::Headers::HttpContentHeaders class

HttpContentHeaders class

Represents the collection of the ‘Content’ headers. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class HttpContentHeaders : public System::Net::Http::Headers::HttpHeaders


static AddKnownHeaders(System::SharedPtr<Collections::Generic::HashSet<String>>)Adds the known headers to the specified collection.
get_Allow()RTTI information.
get_ContentDisposition()Gets a value of the ‘Content-Disposition’ header.
get_ContentEncoding()Gets a value of the ‘Content-Encoding’ header.
get_ContentLanguage()Gets a value of the ‘Content-Language’ header.
get_ContentLength()Gets a value of the ‘Content-Length’ header.
get_ContentLocation()Gets a value of the ‘Content-Location’ header.
get_ContentMD5()Gets a value of the ‘Content-MD5’ header.
get_ContentRange()Gets a value of the ‘Content-Range’ header.
get_ContentType()Gets a value of the ‘Content-Type’ header.
get_Expires()Gets a value of the ‘Expires’ header.
get_LastModified()Gets a value of the ‘Last-Modified’ header.
HttpContentHeaders(HeaderFunc<Nullable<int64_t>>)Constructs a new instance.
set_ContentDisposition(System::SharedPtr<ContentDispositionHeaderValue>)Sets a value of the ‘Content-Disposition’ header.
set_ContentLength(Nullable<int64_t>)Sets a value of the ‘Content-Length’ header.
set_ContentLocation(System::SharedPtr<Uri>)Sets a value of the ‘Content-Location’ header.
set_ContentMD5(System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t>)Sets a value of the ‘Content-MD5’ header.
set_ContentRange(System::SharedPtr<ContentRangeHeaderValue>)Sets a value of the ‘Content-Range’ header.
set_ContentType(System::SharedPtr<MediaTypeHeaderValue>)Sets a value of the ‘Content-Type’ header.
set_Expires(Nullable<DateTimeOffset>)Sets a value of the ‘Expires’ header.
set_LastModified(Nullable<DateTimeOffset>)Sets a value of the ‘Last-Modified’ header.

See Also