System::Net::Http::Headers::HttpRequestHeaders class

HttpRequestHeaders class

Represents the collection of the ‘Request’ headers. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class HttpRequestHeaders : public System::Net::Http::Headers::HttpHeaders


AddHeaders(System::SharedPtr<HttpHeaders>) overrideConcatenates the specified HttpHeaders-class instance with the current one.
static AddKnownHeaders(System::SharedPtr<Collections::Generic::HashSet<String>>)Adds the known headers to the specified collection.
get_Accept()RTTI information.
get_AcceptCharset()Returns a value of the ‘Accept-Charset’ header.
get_AcceptEncoding()Returns a value of the ‘Accept-Encoding’ header.
get_AcceptLanguage()Returns a value of the ‘Accept-Language’ header.
get_Authorization()Gets a value of the ‘Authorization’ header.
get_CacheControl()Gets a value of the ‘Cache-Control’ header.
get_Connection()Returns a value of the ‘Connection’ header.
get_ConnectionClose()Gets a value that indicates if the ‘Connection’ header value contains ‘Close’.
get_Date()Gets a value of the ‘Date’ header.
get_Expect()Returns value of the ‘Expect’ header.
get_ExpectContinue()Gets a value that indicates if the ‘Expect’ header value contains ‘Continue’.
get_From()Gets a value of the ‘From’ header.
get_Host()Gets a value of the ‘Host’ header.
get_IfMatch()Returns a value of the ‘If-Match’ header.
get_IfModifiedSince()Gets a value of the ‘If-Modified-Since’ header.
get_IfNoneMatch()Returns a value of the ‘If-None-Match’ header.
get_IfRange()Gets a value of the ‘If-Range’ header.
get_IfUnmodifiedSince()Gets a value of the ‘If-Unmodified-Since’ header.
get_MaxForwards()Gets a value of the ‘Max-Forwards’ header.
get_Pragma()Returns a value of the ‘Pragma’ header.
get_ProxyAuthorization()Gets a value of the ‘Proxy-Authorization’ header.
get_Range()Gets a value of the ‘Range’ header.
get_Referrer()Gets a value of the ‘Referer’ header.
get_TE()Returns a value of the ‘TE’ header.
get_Trailer()Returns a value of the ‘Trailer’ header.
get_TransferEncoding()Returns a value of the ‘Transfer-Encoding’ header.
get_TransferEncodingChunked()Gets a value that indicates if the ‘Transfer-Encoding’ header value contains ‘Chunked’.
get_Upgrade()Returns a value of the ‘Upgrade’ header.
get_UserAgent()Returns a value of the ‘User-Agent’ header.
get_Via()Returns a value of the ‘Via’ header.
get_Warning()Returns a value of the ‘Warning’ header.
HttpRequestHeaders()Constructs a new instance.
set_Authorization(System::SharedPtr<AuthenticationHeaderValue>)Sets a value of the ‘Authorization’ header.
set_CacheControl(System::SharedPtr<CacheControlHeaderValue>)Sets a value of the ‘Cache-Control’ header.
set_ConnectionClose(Nullable<bool>)Sets a value that indicates if the ‘Connection’ header value contains ‘Close’.
set_Date(Nullable<DateTimeOffset>)Sets a value of the ‘Date’ header.
set_ExpectContinue(Nullable<bool>)Sets a value that indicates if the ‘Expect’ header value contains ‘Continue’.
set_From(String)Sets a value of the ‘From’ header.
set_Host(String)Sets a value of the ‘Host’ header.
set_IfModifiedSince(Nullable<DateTimeOffset>)Sets a value of the ‘If-Modified-Since’ header.
set_IfRange(System::SharedPtr<RangeConditionHeaderValue>)Sets a value of the ‘If-Range’ header.
set_IfUnmodifiedSince(Nullable<DateTimeOffset>)Sets a value of the ‘If-Unmodified-Since’ header.
set_MaxForwards(Nullable<int32_t>)Sets a value of the ‘Max-Forwards’ header.
set_ProxyAuthorization(System::SharedPtr<AuthenticationHeaderValue>)Sets a value of the ‘Proxy-Authorization’ header.
set_Range(System::SharedPtr<RangeHeaderValue>)Sets a value of the ‘Range’ header.
set_Referrer(System::SharedPtr<Uri>)Sets a value of the ‘Referer’ header.
set_TransferEncodingChunked(Nullable<bool>)Sets a value that indicates if the ‘Transfer-Encoding’ header value contains ‘Chunked’.

See Also