System::Net::Sockets::AddressFamily enum

AddressFamily enum

Enumerates the address families.

enum class AddressFamily


Unknown-1The unknown address family.
Unspecified0The unspecified address family.
Unix1The Unix local to host the address family.
InterNetwork2The address for IPv4.
ImpLink3The ARPANET IMP address.
Pup4The address for the PUP protocols.
Chaos5The address for the MIT CHAOS protocols.
NS6The address for the Xerox NS protocols.
Ipxn/aThe IPX or SPX address.
Iso7The address for the ISO protocols.
Osin/aThe address for the OSI protocols.
Ecma8The European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) address.
DataKit9The address for the Datakit protocols.
Ccitt10Addresses for the CCITT protocols, e.g. X.25.
Sna11The IBM SNA address.
DecNet12The DECnet address.
DataLink13The direct data-link interface address.
Lat14The LAT address.
HyperChannel15The NSC Hyperchannel address.
AppleTalk16The AppleTalk address.
NetBios17The NetBios address.
VoiceView18The VoiceView address.
FireFox19The FireFox address.
Banyan21The Banyan address.
Atm22The native ATM services address.
InterNetworkV623The address for IPv6.
Cluster24The address for the Microsoft cluster products.
Ieee1284425The IEEE 1284.4 workgroup address.
Irda26The IrDA address.
NetworkDesigners28The address for the Network Designers OSI gateway-enabled protocols.
Max29The MAX address.

See Also