System::Net::Sockets::ProtocolType enum

ProtocolType enum

Enumerates the protocol types.

enum class ProtocolType


IP0The Internet Protocol.
IPv6HopByHopOptions0The IPv6 Hop by Hop Options header.
Icmp1The Internet Control Message Protocol.
Igmp2The Internet Group Management Protocol.
Ggp3The Gateway To Gateway Protocol.
IPv44The Internet Protocol version 4.
Tcp6The Transmission Control Protocol.
Pup12The PARC Universal Packet Protocol.
Udp17The User Datagram Protocol.
Idp22The Internet Datagram Protocol.
IPv641The Internet Protocol version 6.
IPv6RoutingHeader43The IPv6 Routing header.
IPv6FragmentHeader44The IPv6 Fragment header.
IPSecEncapsulatingSecurityPayload50The IPv6 Encapsulating Security Payload header.
IPSecAuthenticationHeader51The IPv6 Authentication header.
IcmpV658The Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6.
IPv6NoNextHeader59The IPv6 No next header.
IPv6DestinationOptions60The IPv6 Destination Options header.
ND77The Net Disk protocol.
Raw255The Raw IP packet protocol.
Unspecified0An unspecified protocol.
Ipx1000The Internet Packet Exchange protocol.
Spx1256The Sequenced Packet Exchange protocol.
SpxII1257The Sequenced Packet Exchange version 2 protocol.
Unknownn/aAn unknown protocol.

See Also