System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509Certificate2 class

X509Certificate2 class

Represents X509 certificate. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

class X509Certificate2 : public System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509Certificate


get_Archived() constGets a value indicating that certificate is archived.
get_Extensions() constGets collection of extension objects associated with certificate.
get_FriendlyName() constGets the certificate’s friendly name.
get_HasPrivateKey() constChecks whether the certificate has private key.
get_IssuerName() constGets the name of party that issued a certificate.
get_NotAfter() constGets the local date and time after which a certificate is no longer valid.
get_NotBefore() constGets the local date and time on which a certificate becomes valid.
get_PrivateKey() constGets private key associated with certificate.
get_PublicKey() constGets a sertificate PublicKey object.
get_RawData() constGets certificate raw data.
get_SerialNumber() constGets the serial number of a certificate.
get_SignatureAlgorithm() constGets algorithm used to create signature of a certificate.
get_SubjectName() constGets the subject name from a certificate.
get_Thumbprint() constGets the certificate thumbprint.
get_Version() constGets certificate format version.
static GetCertContentType(const ByteArrayPtr&)Gets the type of certificate contained in the specified byte array.
static GetCertContentType(const String&)Gets the type of certificate contained in the specified file.
GetDSAPrivateKey() constGets RSA private key;.
GetDSAPublicKey() constGets RSA public key.
GetECDsaPrivateKey() constGets RSA private key;.
GetECDsaPublicKey() constGets RSA public key.
GetNameInfo(X509NameType, bool) constGets subject or issuer name from certificate.
GetRSAPrivateKey() constGets RSA private key;.
GetRSAPublicKey() constGets RSA public key.
Import(const String&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) overrideImports information from the specified certificate file.
Import(const String&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) overrideImports information from the specified certificate file.
Import(const ByteArrayPtr&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags) overrideImports information from the specified certificate data.
Import(const ByteArrayPtr&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags) overrideImports information from the specified certificate data.
Import(const String&) overrideImports information from the specified certificate file.
Import(const ByteArrayPtr&) overrideImports information from the specified certificate data.
Reset() overrideResets the certificate state.
set_Archived(bool) constSets a value indicating that certificate is archived.
set_FriendlyName(const String&)Sets the certificate’s friendly name.
set_PrivateKey(const SharedPtr<AsymmetricAlgorithm>&)Sets or clears private key associated with certificate.
ToString(bool) const overrideReturns the certificate information in text format.
ToString() const overrideReturns the certificate information in text format.
Verify() constVerifies certificate chain.
X509Certificate2()Constructs empty X509Certificate2.
X509Certificate2(const String&)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const SharedPtr<X509Certificate>&)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const String&)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const SecureStringPtr&)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const String&, const String&)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const String&, const SecureStringPtr&)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const String&, const String&, X509KeyStorageFlags)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const String&, const SecureStringPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags)Constructor.
X509Certificate2(const ByteArrayPtr&, const ByteArrayPtr&, X509KeyStorageFlags)Constructor.

See Also