System::Web::Services::Soap class

Soap class

Contains the string constants of SOAP.

class Soap

Nested classes


Soap()The default constructor is deleted.


static ActionThe string representation of the ‘SOAPAction’ attribute name.
static ArrayTypeThe string representation of the ‘Array’ suffix.
static BasicProfile1_1The conformance claim URI.
static ClaimPrefixThe WS-I prefix.
static ConformanceClaimThe value of the ‘xmlns:wsi’ attribute.
static DimeContentTypeThe string representation of the ‘application/dime’ MIME type.
static EncodingThe value of the ‘xmlns:soapenc’ attribute.
static NamespaceThe value of the ‘xmlns:soap’ attribute.
static PrefixThe SOAP prefix.
static SoapContentTypeThe string representation of the SOAP content type.
static XmlNamespaceThe value of the ’namespace’ attribute.

See Also