IApplicationResourceStreamResolver | Represents an application resource stream resolver. |
IHasXmlNode | Enables a class to return an XmlNode from the current context or position. |
IXmlLineInfo | Provides an interface to enable a class to return line and position information. |
IXmlNamespaceResolver | Provides read-only access to a set of prefix and namespace mappings. |
NameTable | Implements a single-threaded XmlNameTable. |
XmlAttribute | Represents an attribute. Valid and default values for the attribute are defined in a document type definition (DTD) or schema. |
XmlAttributeCollection | Represents a collection of attributes that can be accessed by name or index. |
XmlCDataSection | Represents a CDATA section. |
XmlCharacterData | Provides text manipulation methods that are used by several classes. |
XmlCharType | For internal purposes. Do not use this class directly. |
XmlComment | Represents the content of an XML comment. |
XmlConvert | Encodes and decodes XML names, and provides methods for converting between runtime types and XML Schema definition language (XSD) types. When converting data types, the values returned are locale-independent. |
XmlDeclaration | Represents the XML declaration node . |
XmlDocument | Represents an XML document. You can use this class to load, validate, edit, add, and position XML in a document. |
XmlDocumentFragment | Represents a lightweight object that is useful for tree insert operations. |
XmlDocumentType | Represents the document type declaration. |
XmlElement | Represents an element. |
XmlEntity | Represents an entity declaration, such as . |
XmlEntityReference | Represents an entity reference node. |
XmlImplementation | Defines the context for a set of XmlDocument objects. |
XmlLinkedNode | Returns the node immediately preceding or following this node. |
XmlNamedNodeMap | Represents a collection of nodes that can be accessed by name or index. |
XmlNamespaceManager | Resolves, adds, and removes namespaces to a collection and provides scope management for these namespaces. |
XmlNameTable | Table of atomized string objects. |
XmlNode | Represents a single node in the XML document. |
XmlNodeChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the XmlDocument::NodeChanged, XmlDocument::NodeChanging, XmlDocument::NodeInserted, XmlDocument::NodeInserting, XmlDocument::NodeRemoved and XmlDocument::NodeRemoving events. |
XmlNodeList | Represents an ordered collection of nodes. |
XmlNodeReader | Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached forward only access to XML data in an XmlNode. |
XmlNotation | Represents a notation declaration, such as . |
XmlParserContext | Provides all the context information required by the XmlReader to parse an XML fragment. |
XmlProcessingInstruction | Represents a processing instruction, which XML defines to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document. |
XmlQualifiedName | Represents an XML qualified name. |
XmlReader | Represents a reader that provides fast, noncached, forward-only access to XML data. |
XmlReaderSettings | Specifies a set of features to support on the XmlReader object created by the XmlReader::Create method. |
XmlResolver | Resolves external XML resources named by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). |
XmlSecureResolver | Helps to secure another implementation of XmlResolver by wrapping the XmlResolver object and restricting the resources that the underlying XmlResolver has access to. |
XmlSignificantWhitespace | Represents white space between markup in a mixed content node or white space within an xml:space=‘preserve’ scope. This is also referred to as significant white space. |
XmlText | Represents the text content of an element or attribute. |
XmlTextReader | Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to XML data. |
XmlTextWriter | Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating streams or files containing XML data that conforms to the W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 and the Namespaces in XML recommendations. |
XmlUrlResolver | Resolves external XML resources named by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). |
XmlValidatingReader | Represents a reader that provides document type definition (DTD), XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schema, and XML Schema definition language (XSD) validation. |
XmlWhitespace | Represents white space in element content. |
XmlWriter | Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way to generate streams or files that contain XML data. |
XmlWriterSettings | Specifies a set of features to support on the XmlWriter object created by the XmlWriter::Create method. |