System::Xml::XPath::XPathItem class

XPathItem class

Represents an item in the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model.

class XPathItem : public virtual System::Object


virtual get_IsNode()When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether the item represents an XPath node or an atomic value.
virtual get_TypedValue()When overridden in a derived class, gets the current item as a boxed object of the most appropriate type according to its schema type.
virtual get_Value()When overridden in a derived class, gets the string value of the item.
virtual get_ValueAsBoolean()When overridden in a derived class, gets the item’s value as a Boolean.
virtual get_ValueAsDateTime()When overridden in a derived class, gets the item’s value as a DateTime.
virtual get_ValueAsDouble()When overridden in a derived class, gets the item’s value as a Double.
virtual get_ValueAsInt()When overridden in a derived class, gets the item’s value as an Int32.
virtual get_ValueAsLong()When overridden in a derived class, gets the item’s value as an Int64.
virtual get_ValueType()When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the item.
virtual get_XmlType()When overridden in a derived class, gets the XmlSchemaType for the item.
virtual ValueAs(const TypeInfo&)Returns the item’s value as the specified type.
virtual ValueAs(const TypeInfo&, SharedPtr<IXmlNamespaceResolver>)When overridden in a derived class, returns the item’s value as the type specified using the IXmlNamespaceResolver object specified to resolve namespace prefixes.


PtrAn alias for shared pointer to an instance of this class.

See Also