System::Xml::XPath::XPathNodeType enum

XPathNodeType enum

Defines the XPath node types that can be returned from the XPathNavigator class.

enum class XPathNodeType


Root0The root node of the XML document or node tree.
Element1An element, such as .
Attribute2An attribute, such as id=‘123’.
Namespace3A namespace, such as xmlns=“namespace”.
Text4The text content of a node. Equivalent to the Document Object Model (DOM) Text and CDATA node types. Contains at least one character.
SignificantWhitespace5A node with white space characters and xml:space set to preserve.
Whitespace6A node with only white space characters and no significant white space. White space characters are ’\x20’, ’\x0d’, ’\x0a’, ’\x09’.
ProcessingInstruction7A processing instruction, such as . This does not include XML declarations, which are not visible to the XPathNavigator class.
Comment8A comment, such as ****.
All9Any of the XPathNodeType node types.

See Also