System::Xml::Xsl::XslTransform class

XslTransform class

Transforms XML data using an Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations (XSLT) style sheet.

class XslTransform : public System::Object


Load(const SharedPtr<XmlReader>&)Loads the XSLT style sheet contained in the XmlReader.
Load(const SharedPtr<XmlReader>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Loads the XSLT style sheet contained in the XmlReader.
Load(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&)Loads the XSLT style sheet contained in the IXPathNavigable.
Load(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Loads the XSLT style sheet contained in the IXPathNavigable.
Load(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&)Loads the XSLT style sheet contained in the XPathNavigator.
Load(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Loads the XSLT style sheet contained in the XPathNavigator.
Load(const String&)Loads the XSLT style sheet specified by a URL.
Load(const String&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Loads the XSLT style sheet specified by a URL.
set_XmlResolver(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Sets the XmlResolver used to resolve external resources when the XslTransform::Transform method is called.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Transforms the XML data in the XPathNavigator using the specified args and outputs the result to an XmlReader.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&)Transforms the XML data in the XPathNavigator using the specified args and outputs the result to an XmlReader.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<XmlWriter>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Transforms the XML data in the XPathNavigator using the specified args and outputs the result to an XmlWriter.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<XmlWriter>&)Transforms the XML data in the XPathNavigator using the specified args and outputs the result to an XmlWriter.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<IO::Stream>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Transforms the XML data in the XPathNavigator using the specified args and outputs the result to a Stream.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<IO::Stream>&)Transforms the XML data in the XPathNavigator using the specified args and outputs the result to a Stream.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<IO::TextWriter>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Transforms the XML data in the XPathNavigator using the specified args and outputs the result to a TextWriter.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::XPathNavigator>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<IO::TextWriter>&)Transforms the XML data in the XPathNavigator using the specified args and outputs the result to a TextWriter.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Transforms the XML data in the IXPathNavigable using the specified args and outputs the result to an XmlReader.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&)Transforms the XML data in the IXPathNavigable using the specified args and outputs the result to an XmlReader.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<IO::TextWriter>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Transforms the XML data in the IXPathNavigable using the specified args and outputs the result to a TextWriter.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<IO::TextWriter>&)Transforms the XML data in the IXPathNavigable using the specified args and outputs the result to a TextWriter.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<IO::Stream>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Transforms the XML data in the IXPathNavigable using the specified args and outputs the result to a Stream.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<IO::Stream>&)Transforms the XML data in the IXPathNavigable using the specified args and outputs the result to a Stream.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<XmlWriter>&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Transforms the XML data in the IXPathNavigable using the specified args and outputs the result to an XmlWriter.
Transform(const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XPath::IXPathNavigable>&, const SharedPtr<XsltArgumentList>&, const SharedPtr<XmlWriter>&)Transforms the XML data in the IXPathNavigable using the specified args and outputs the result to an XmlWriter.
Transform(const String&, const String&, const SharedPtr<System::Xml::XmlResolver>&)Transforms the XML data in the input file and outputs the result to an output file.
Transform(const String&, const String&)Transforms the XML data in the input file and outputs the result to an output file.
XslTransform()Initializes a new instance of the XslTransform class.


PtrAn alias for shared pointer to an instance of this class.


Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instances of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.

See Also