System::Xml::XmlDocument::CreateDocumentType method

XmlDocument::CreateDocumentType method

Returns a new XmlDocumentType object.

virtual SharedPtr<XmlDocumentType> System::Xml::XmlDocument::CreateDocumentType(const String &name, const String &publicId, const String &systemId, const String &internalSubset)
nameconst String&Name of the document type.
publicIdconst String&The public identifier of the document type or nullptr. You can specify a public URI and also a system identifier to identify the location of the external DTD subset.
systemIdconst String&The system identifier of the document type or nullptr. Specifies the URL of the file location for the external DTD subset.
internalSubsetconst String&The DTD internal subset of the document type or nullptr.


The new XmlDocumentType.

See Also