System::Xml::XmlReader::IsStartElement method

XmlReader::IsStartElement() method

Calls XmlReader::MoveToContent and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag.

virtual bool System::Xml::XmlReader::IsStartElement()


true if XmlReader::MoveToContent finds a start tag or empty element tag; false if a node type other than XmlNodeType::Element was found.

See Also

XmlReader::IsStartElement(String, String) method

Calls XmlReader::MoveToContent and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag and if the XmlReader::get_LocalName and XmlReader::get_NamespaceURI values of the element found match the given strings.

virtual bool System::Xml::XmlReader::IsStartElement(String localname, String ns)
localnameStringThe string to match against the LocalName value of the element found.
nsStringThe string to match against the NamespaceURI value of the element found.


true if the resulting node is an element. false if a node type other than XmlNodeType::Element was found or if the LocalName and NamespaceURI values of the element do not match the specified strings.

See Also

XmlReader::IsStartElement(String) method

Calls XmlReader::MoveToContent and tests if the current content node is a start tag or empty element tag and if the XmlReader::get_Name value of the element found matches the given argument.

virtual bool System::Xml::XmlReader::IsStartElement(String name)
nameStringThe string matched against the Name value of the element found.


true if the resulting node is an element and the Name value matches the specified string. false if a node type other than XmlNodeType::Element was found or if the element Name value does not match the specified string.

See Also