System::Xml::XmlReader::ReadElementContentAsObject method

XmlReader::ReadElementContentAsObject() method

Reads the current element and returns the contents as an Object.

virtual SharedPtr<Object> System::Xml::XmlReader::ReadElementContentAsObject()


A boxed object of the most appropriate type. The XmlReader::get_ValueType value determines the appropriate type. If the content is typed as a list type, this method returns an array of boxed objects of the appropriate type.

See Also

XmlReader::ReadElementContentAsObject(String, String) method

Checks that the specified local name and namespace URI matches that of the current element, then reads the current element and returns the contents as an Object.

virtual SharedPtr<Object> System::Xml::XmlReader::ReadElementContentAsObject(String localName, String namespaceURI)
localNameStringThe local name of the element.
namespaceURIStringThe namespace URI of the element.


A boxed object of the most appropriate type. The XmlReader::get_ValueType value determines the appropriate type. If the content is typed as a list type, this method returns an array of boxed objects of the appropriate type.

See Also