System::Xml::XmlTextWriter::WriteDocType method

XmlTextWriter::WriteDocType method

Writes the DOCTYPE declaration with the specified name and optional attributes.

void System::Xml::XmlTextWriter::WriteDocType(const String &name, const String &pubid, const String &sysid, const String &subset) override
nameconst String&The name of the DOCTYPE. This must be non-empty.
pubidconst String&If non-null it also writes PUBLIC “pubid” “sysid” where pubid and sysid are replaced with the value of the given arguments.
sysidconst String&If pubid is null and sysid is non-null it writes SYSTEM “sysid” where sysid is replaced with the value of this argument.
subsetconst String&If non-null it writes [subset] where subset is replaced with the value of this argument.

See Also