System::BitConverter::ToString method

BitConverter::ToString(const ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&, bool, const String&) method

Converts all values of the specified byte array into their hexadecimal string representation. Case of letters to use in hexadecimal notation and separator inserted between each pair of neighbouring bytes are specified through corresponding arguments.

static String System::BitConverter::ToString(const ArrayPtr<uint8_t> &value, bool uppercase=true, const String &separator=u"-")
valueconst ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&Array that contains bytes to convert
uppercaseboolSpecifies the case of letters to use in resulting hexadecimal representation
separatorconst String&A string used as a separator inserted between each pair of neighbouring bytes in the resulting string


String containing hexadecimal representation of the specified byte array

See Also

BitConverter::ToString(const ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&, int) method

Converts values of the specified byte array into their hexadecimal string representation starting at specified index.

static String System::BitConverter::ToString(const ArrayPtr<uint8_t> &value, int startIndex)
valueconst ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&Array that contains bytes to convert
startIndexintIndex in the specified array at which to start converting


String containing hexadecimal representation of the specified range of elements of the specified array

See Also

BitConverter::ToString(const ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&, int, int) method

Converts a range of values of the specified byte array into their hexadecimal string representation.

static String System::BitConverter::ToString(const ArrayPtr<uint8_t> &value, int startIndex, int length)
valueconst ArrayPtr<uint8_t>&Array that contains bytes to convert
startIndexintIndex in the specified array at which the range of the byte array elements to convert begins
lengthintThe length of the range the byte array elements to convert


String containing hexadecimal representation of the specified range of elements of the specified array

See Also