System::Char::IsSurrogatePair method

Char::IsSurrogatePair(char_t, char_t) method

Determines whether the two specified characters for a UTF-16 surrogate pair.

static bool System::Char::IsSurrogatePair(char_t highSurrogate, char_t lowSurrogate)
highSurrogatechar_tA character that is tested for being a high surrogate
lowSurrogatechar_tA character that is tested for being a low surrogate


True if the specified characters form a surrogate pair, otherwise - false

See Also

Char::IsSurrogatePair(const String&, int) method

Determines whether two consequent characters in the specified character buffer are a surrogate pair.

static bool System::Char::IsSurrogatePair(const String &str, int index)
strconst String&A string
indexintA zero based index in the specified buffer at which the character sequence to test begins


True if the specified characters are a surrogate pair, otherwise - false

See Also