System::Char::ToUpper method

Char::ToUpper(char_t) method

Converts the specified character to upper case.

static char_t System::Char::ToUpper(char_t c)
cchar_tCharacter to convert


The specified character in upper case if the specified character is a lower case letter, otherwise - the specified character

See Also

Char::ToUpper(char_t, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&) method

Converts the specified character to upper case.

static char_t System::Char::ToUpper(char_t c, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture)
cchar_tCharacter to convert
cultureconst SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&An object that supplies culture-specific casing rules.


The specified character in upper case if the specified character is a lower case letter, otherwise - the specified character

See Also