System::DateTime::ParseExact method

DateTime::ParseExact(const String&, const String&, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles) method

Converts the specified string representation of a date and time value to the equivalent DateTime object using the specified format and culture-specific format information. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly. Throws an exception if the conversion fails.

static DateTime System::DateTime::ParseExact(const String &s, const String &format, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles=Globalization::DateTimeStyles::None)
sconst String&The string representation of a date and time value to convert.
formatconst String&The string format.
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&The IFormatProvider object that provides culture-specific format information.
stylesGlobalization::DateTimeStylesA bitwise combination of the enumeration values that provides additional information about s, about style elements that may be present in s, or about the conversion from s to a DateTime object.


A new instance of DateTime class that represents the date and time value equivalent to that represented by the specified string.

See Also

DateTime::ParseExact(const String&, const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles) method

static DateTime System::DateTime::ParseExact(const String &s, const String &format, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles=Globalization::DateTimeStyles::None)

See Also

DateTime::ParseExact(const String&, const String&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles) method

static DateTime System::DateTime::ParseExact(const String &s, const String &format, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo> &dtfi, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles=Globalization::DateTimeStyles::None)

See Also

DateTime::ParseExact(const String&, const String&, std::nullptr_t, Globalization::DateTimeStyles) method

static DateTime System::DateTime::ParseExact(const String &s, const String &format, std::nullptr_t, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles=Globalization::DateTimeStyles::None)

See Also

DateTime::ParseExact(const String&, const ArrayPtr<String>&, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles) method

Converts the specified string representation of a date and time value to the equivalent DateTime object using the specified formats, culture-specific format information and style. The format of the string representation must match one or more of the specified formats exactly. Throws an exception if the conversion fails.

static DateTime System::DateTime::ParseExact(const String &s, const ArrayPtr<String> &formats, const SharedPtr<IFormatProvider> &provider, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles)
sconst String&The string representation of a date and time value to convert.
formatsconst ArrayPtr<String>&The array of string formats.
providerconst SharedPtr<IFormatProvider>&The IFormatProvider object that provides culture-specific format information.
stylesGlobalization::DateTimeStylesA bitwise combination of the enumeration values that provides additional information about s, about style elements that may be present in s, or about the conversion from s to a DateTime object.


A new instance of DateTime class that represents the date and time value equivalent to that represented by the specified string.

See Also

DateTime::ParseExact(const String&, const ArrayPtr<String>&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles) method

static DateTime System::DateTime::ParseExact(const String &s, const ArrayPtr<String> &formats, const SharedPtr<Globalization::CultureInfo> &culture, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles)

See Also

DateTime::ParseExact(const String&, const ArrayPtr<String>&, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo>&, Globalization::DateTimeStyles) method

static DateTime System::DateTime::ParseExact(const String &s, const ArrayPtr<String> &formats, const SharedPtr<Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo> &dtfi, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles)

See Also

DateTime::ParseExact(const String&, const ArrayPtr<String>&, std::nullptr_t, Globalization::DateTimeStyles) method

static DateTime System::DateTime::ParseExact(const String &s, const ArrayPtr<String> &formats, std::nullptr_t, Globalization::DateTimeStyles styles)

See Also