System::TimeSpan::operator<= method

TimeSpan::operator<=(TimeSpan) const method

Determines if the time interval represented by the current object is shorter than or equal to the time interval represented by the specified object.

bool System::TimeSpan::operator<=(TimeSpan value) const
valueTimeSpanThe TimeSpan object to compare the current object with


True if the time interval represented by the current object is shorter than or equal to the time interval represented by value, otherwise - false

See Also

TimeSpan::operator<=(std::nullptr_t) const method

bool System::TimeSpan::operator<=(std::nullptr_t) const

See Also

title: System::TimeSpan::operator>= method linktitle: operator>= second_title: Aspose.TeX for C++ description: ‘System::TimeSpan::operator>= method. Determines if the time interval represented by the current object is longer than or equal to the time interval represented by the specified object in C++.’ type: docs weight: 3300 url: /cpp/system/timespan/operator_=/

TimeSpan::operator>=(TimeSpan) const method

Determines if the time interval represented by the current object is longer than or equal to the time interval represented by the specified object.

bool System::TimeSpan::operator>=(TimeSpan value) const
valueTimeSpanThe TimeSpan object to compare the current object with


True if the time interval represented by the current object is longer than or equal to the time interval represented by value, otherwise - false

See Also

TimeSpan::operator>=(std::nullptr_t) const method

bool System::TimeSpan::operator>=(std::nullptr_t) const

See Also