System::TimeZoneInfo::TransitionTime class

TransitionTime class

RTTI information.

class TransitionTime


static CreateFixedDateRule(DateTime, int, int)Constructs an instance of TransitionTime class that represents a fixed-date rule (time change that occurs on specific day of a specific month).
static CreateFloatingDateRule(DateTime, int, int, DayOfWeek)Constructs an instance of TransitionTime class that represents a floating-date rule (time change that occurs on specific day of a specific week of a specific month).
static CreateTransitionTime(DateTime, int, int, int, DayOfWeek, bool)Constructs an instance of TransitionTime class that represents a time change described with the specified parameters.
get_Day() constReturns the ordinal number of the day of week at which the time change occurs.
get_DayOfWeek() constReturns the value that represents the day of week at which the time change occurs.
get_IsFixedDateRule() constReturns the value that indicates if the time change occurs at a fixed date and time or a floating date and time.
get_Month() constReturns the ordinal number of the month of the year at which the time change occurs.
get_TimeOfDay() constReturns a DateTime object that represents the specific time at which the time change occurs.
get_Week() constReturns the ordinal number of the week of the month at which the time change occurs.
operator!=(const TransitionTime&) const
operator==(const TransitionTime&) const
TransitionTime()Default constructor. FOR INTERNAL USE.


Provides information about a time change in a time zone.

See Also