System::TimeZoneInfo::TransitionTime::CreateTransitionTime method

TransitionTime::CreateTransitionTime method

Constructs an instance of TransitionTime class that represents a time change described with the specified parameters.

static TransitionTime System::TimeZoneInfo::TransitionTime::CreateTransitionTime(DateTime time_of_day, int month, int week, int day, DayOfWeek day_of_week, bool is_fixed_date_rule)
time_of_dayDateTimeThe specific time at which the time change occurs.
monthintThe month of the year at which the time change occurs.
weekintThe week of the month at which the time change occurs.
dayintThe day at which the time change occurs.
day_of_weekDayOfWeekThe day of week at which the time change occurs.
is_fixed_date_ruleboolValue that indicates if the time change occurs at a fixed date and time or a floating date and time.


An istance of TransitionTime class that represents the described time change.

See Also