System::TypeInfo class

TypeInfo class

Represents a particular type and provides information about it.

class TypeInfo

Nested classes


AddAttribute(const ObjectPtr&)Adds the specified attribute to the list of type’s attributes.
AddDefaultConstructor()Sets default constructor for the type T.
AddDefaultConstructor(DefaultConstructor)Sets default constructor by the functor that creates class instanse.
AddMember(const SharedPtr<System::Reflection::MemberInfo>&)Adds the specified member to the list of type’s members.
static BoxedValueType()Provides unique TypeInfo structure for BoxedValue type to be shared by multiple Boxed* classes.
get_Assembly() constNOT IMPLEMENTED. Returns a pointer to the assembly in which the type represented by the current object is declared.
get_AssemblyQualifiedName() constNOT IMPLEMENTED. Returns the fully qualified name including the assembly name of the type represented by the current object.
get_BaseType() constReturns base type descritor.
get_ContainsGenericParameters() constGets a value indicating whether the current Type object has type parameters that have not been replaced by specific types.
get_DeclaredMember(const String&) constGets list of the members with specified name.
get_FullName() constReturns the fully qualified name (but without the assembly name) of the type represented by the current object.
get_GenericTypeArguments() constGets an array of the generic type arguments for this type.
get_IsAbstract() constGets a value indicating whether the Type is abstract and must be overridden.
get_IsArray() constGets a value that indicates whether the type is an array.
get_IsClass() constGets a value indicating whether the Type is a class or a delegate; that is, not a value type or interface.
get_IsEnum() constGets a value indicating whether the current Type represents an enumeration.
get_IsGenericType() const
get_IsGenericTypeDefinition() constGets a value indicating whether the current Type represents a generic type definition, from which other generic types can be constructed.
get_IsInterface() constGets a value indicating whether the Type is an interface; that is, not a class or a value type.
get_IsSealed() constGets a value indicating whether the Type is declared sealed.
get_IsValueType() constGets a value indicating whether the Type is a value type.
get_IsVisible() constGets a value indicating whether the Type can be accessed by code outside the assembly.
get_Name() constReturns the name of the type represented by the current object.
get_Namespace() constGets the namespace of the Type.
GetConstructor(const ArrayPtr<TypeInfo>&) constSearches for a public instance constructor whose parameters match the types in the specified array.
GetConstructors(System::Reflection::BindingFlags) constsearches for the constructors defined for the current Type, using the specified BindingFlags.
GetConstructors() constReturns all the public constructors defined for the current Type.
GetCustomAttribute(const TypeInfo&) constSearches for the custom attribute applied having the specified type and applied to the type reprsented by the current object.
GetCustomAttributes() constReturns an array containing objects that represent all custom attributes applied to the type.
GetCustomAttributes(const TypeInfo&, bool) constReturns an array containing objects that represent specific attributes applied to the type.
GetElementType() constNOT IMPLEMENTED.
GetFields(System::Reflection::BindingFlags) constSearches for the fields defined for the current Type, using the specified binding constraints.
GetGenericArguments() constGets an array of the generic type arguments for this type.
GetHashCode() constReturns a hash code associated with this instance.
GetInterfaces() constGets all the interfaces implemented or inherited by the current Type.
GetMember(const String&) constGets list of the members with specified name.
GetMethod(const String&) constGets method with specified name.
GetProperties() constReturns all the public properties of the current Type.
GetProperties(System::Reflection::BindingFlags) constSearches for the properties of the current Type, using the specified binding constraints.
GetTemplParamType() constGets template parameter type descritor.
Hash() constReturns a hash value associated with the type represented by the current object.
IsAssignableFrom(const TypeInfo&) constDetermines whether an instance of a specified type can be assigned to a variable of the current type.
IsInstanceOfType(const SharedPtr<Object>&) constDetermines whether the specified object is an instance of the current type.
IsSubclassOf(const TypeInfo&) constDetermines whether the type represented by the current object is a subclass of the specified class.
operator!=(const TypeInfo&) constDetermines if the current and the specified TypeInfo objects are not equal.
operator!=(std::nullptr_t) constDetermines if the current TypeInfo object is not a null-object, i.e. it represents some type.
operator==(const TypeInfo&) constDetermines if the current and the specified TypeInfo objects are equal.
operator==(std::nullptr_t) constDetermines if the current TypeInfo object is a null-object, i.e. does not represent any type.
reset()Sets TypeInfo to null.
set_IsValueType(bool)Sets a value indicating whether the Type is a value type.
SetBaseType(GetTypeInfoFunPtr)Sets base type descritor.
SetTemplParamType(const TypeInfo&)Sets template parameter type descritor.
static StringHash(const char_t *)Calculates hash for specified string.
ToString() constReturns a string containing the name of the type represented by the current object.
static Type()Returns a TypeInfo object that represent TypeInfo class.
TypeInfo()Default constructor (no type is set).
TypeInfo(std::nullptr_t)Null object constructor (no type is set).
TypeInfo(const char_t *)Constructor.
TypeInfo(const char_t *, uint32_t)Constructor.
TypeInfo(const std::type_info&)Constructor.


static EmptyTypesConstant representing empty list of TypeInfo.


DefaultConstructorFunction pointer to construct type.

See Also