Adjusting CAD Drawing Size Using Unit Type with Aspose.CAD for Java


In the ever-evolving realm of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), precision and adaptability are paramount. One common requirement is adjusting the size of CAD drawings based on specific unit types. Aspose.CAD for Java emerges as a powerful ally, providing seamless capabilities for manipulating CAD files programmatically.


Before diving into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Java Development Environment: Ensure that you have a functional Java development environment set up on your machine.

  • Aspose.CAD for Java Library: Download and integrate the Aspose.CAD library into your Java project. You can obtain the library here.

Import Namespaces

In your Java code, include the necessary namespaces to access Aspose.CAD functionalities. Add the following imports:

import com.aspose.cad.Image;
import com.aspose.cad.ImageOptionsBase;

import com.aspose.cad.imageoptions.CadRasterizationOptions;
import com.aspose.cad.imageoptions.PngOptions;

Now, let’s break down the process of adjusting CAD drawing size using unit type into manageable steps:

Step 1: Define Data Directory

String dataDir = "Your Document Directory" + "CADConversion/";

Set the path for the directory where your CAD files are located.

Step 2: Load CAD Drawing

String sourceFilePath = dataDir + "sample.dwg";
Image image = Image.load(sourceFilePath);

Load the CAD drawing using Aspose.CAD’s Image class.

Step 3: Create BMP Options

BmpOptions bmpOptions = new BmpOptions();

Instantiate the BmpOptions class for exporting the CAD layout to BMP format.

Step 4: Configure Rasterization Options

CadRasterizationOptions cadRasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions();

Create an instance of CadRasterizationOptions and associate it with the BmpOptions for vector rasterization.

Step 5: Set Unit Type


Specify the desired unit type for the CAD drawing. In this example, we’ve set it to Centimeter.

Step 6: Set Layouts

cadRasterizationOptions.setLayouts(new String[] { "Model" });

Define the layouts to be considered during the export. In this case, we’ve selected the “Model” layout.

Step 7: Export to BMP

String outPath = sourceFilePath + ".bmp";, bmpOptions);

Finally, save the modified CAD drawing in BMP format.


With Aspose.CAD for Java, adjusting CAD drawing sizes becomes a breeze. This tutorial has walked you through the process, emphasizing each step’s significance in achieving precise results.


Q1: Can I use Aspose.CAD for Java with other programming languages?

A1: Aspose.CAD primarily supports Java, but there are versions available for other languages like .NET.

Q2: Are there any licensing options for Aspose.CAD?

A2: Yes, you can explore licensing options and purchase Aspose.CAD here.

Q3: Is there a free trial available for Aspose.CAD?

A3: Certainly, you can access a free trial here.

Q4: How can I get support for Aspose.CAD for Java?

A4: Visit the Aspose.CAD forum here for comprehensive support.

Q5: Can I obtain a temporary license for Aspose.CAD?

A5: Yes, you can acquire a temporary license here.