Reading XREF Metadata from DWG Files - Aspose.CAD Tutorial


Are you ready to elevate your CAD file manipulation capabilities using Aspose.CAD for .NET? In this step-by-step guide, we’ll delve into a specific aspect of this powerful library – Reading XREF Metadata from DWG Files. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, this tutorial will break down the process into easily digestible steps.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Aspose.CAD for .NET: Download and install the library from the Aspose.CAD for .NET release page.

  • Document Directory: Ensure you have a designated directory for your documents. Adjust the MyDir variable in the provided code snippet to point to your document directory.

Now, let’s jump into the tutorial.

Import Namespaces

Start by importing the necessary namespaces to harness the full power of Aspose.CAD for .NET. This step ensures that your code has access to all the functionalities provided by the library.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Aspose.CAD;
using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Cad;
using Aspose.CAD.FileFormats.Cad.CadObjects;

Step 1: Load the DWG File

Begin by loading the DWG file into your application using the Image.Load method. Adjust the sourceFilePath variable to point to the specific DWG file you want to process.

// The path to the documents directory.
string MyDir = "Your Document Directory";
string sourceFilePath = MyDir + "Bottom_plate.dwg";
using (CadImage image = (CadImage)Image.Load(sourceFilePath))
    // Code for the next steps goes here

Step 2: Iterate Through Entities

Iterate through each entity in the loaded DWG file to identify XREF entities with metadata.

foreach (CadBaseEntity entity in image.Entities)
    if (entity is CadUnderlay)
        // Code for the next steps goes here

Step 3: Extract Metadata

Within the loop, extract metadata from XREF entities. In this case, we’re obtaining the insertion point and underlay path.

//XREF entity with metadata
Cad3DPoint insertionPoint = ((CadUnderlay)entity).InsertionPoint;
string path = ((CadUnderlay)entity).UnderlayPath;

Step 4: Process Metadata

You can now process the extracted metadata according to your application’s requirements. This could involve further analysis, storage, or any other custom logic.

// Your custom logic for processing metadata goes here


Congratulations! You’ve successfully navigated through the process of reading XREF metadata from DWG files using Aspose.CAD for .NET. This tutorial has equipped you with the fundamental knowledge to integrate this functionality into your applications seamlessly.


Q1: Is Aspose.CAD for .NET compatible with all CAD file formats?

A1: Yes, Aspose.CAD for .NET supports a wide range of CAD formats, ensuring versatility in your applications.

Q2: Can I use the free trial before making a purchase decision?

A2: Certainly! You can access the free trial here.

Q3: Where can I find comprehensive documentation for Aspose.CAD for .NET?

A3: The documentation is available here.

Q4: How do I obtain a temporary license for Aspose.CAD for .NET?

A4: You can get a temporary license here.

Q5: Need assistance or have specific queries?

A5: Join the Aspose.CAD community at Aspose.CAD Forum for expert support and discussions.