Set Shape Type of Data Labels of Chart


In the world of data visualization, charts are a go-to method for presenting complex information in an accessible manner. However, not all data labels are created equal! Sometimes, you need to make those labels pop, and using different shapes can make a significant difference. If you’re looking to enhance the data labels in your Excel charts with custom shapes, you’ve landed in the right spot. This guide will walk you through how to set the shape type of data labels in a chart using Aspose.Cells for .NET. Let’s dive into it!


Before we jump into coding, let’s ensure you have everything set up correctly. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Aspose.Cells for .NET: If you haven’t already, download it from the Aspose website. This library allows for all sorts of manipulations with Excel documents.
  2. Visual Studio: You should have this installed on your system to write and run .NET applications. Make sure it’s the version that supports .NET Framework or .NET Core according to your project needs.
  3. A Basic Understanding of C#: Familiarity with basic programming concepts and C# syntax will definitely help you understand the code snippets better.
  4. An Excel file: You’ll also need a sample Excel workbook to work with. You can create your own or use any existing one.

Now that we’ve got the prerequisites, let’s jump right into it!

Import Packages

Before you can start coding, you need to import the relevant Aspose.Cells namespaces. This will give you access to the rich functionality that the library offers. Here’s how to do it:

Import Aspose.Cells

Open your Visual Studio project, and add the following using directive to the top of your C# file:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Aspose.Cells.Charts;
using Aspose.Cells.Drawing;

These namespaces will allow you to create and manipulate Workbooks, Worksheets, and Charts easily.

Now that we’re all set up, let’s dive into the coding part! We’ll break it down step by step for clarity.

Step 1: Define Your Directories

First things first, let’s define where your files are located—both the source file and the destination folder where you want to save the modified file.

// Source directory
string sourceDir = "Your Document Directory";

// Output directory
string outputDir = "Your Output Directory";

Replace "Your Document Directory" and "Your Output Directory" with the actual paths on your machine.

Step 2: Load the Source Excel File

Next, you’ll need to load the Excel file you want to work with. This is where the magic begins!

// Load source Excel file
Workbook wb = new Workbook(sourceDir + "sampleSetShapeTypeOfDataLabelsOfChart.xlsx");

This line creates a new Workbook object and points it to your existing file. Make sure the file path is correct!

Step 3: Access the First Worksheet

Now that we have our workbook, we need to get access to the worksheet that contains the chart you want to customize.

// Access first worksheet
Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];

Here, we’re accessing the first worksheet (index 0). Adjust the index if your chart is located on a different sheet.

Step 4: Access the First Chart

Once you’ve got your worksheet, it’s time to access the chart. Each worksheet can contain multiple charts, but for simplicity, we’ll stick to the first one here.

// Access first chart
Chart ch = ws.Charts[0];

Again, if your desired chart is not the first one, just change the index accordingly.

Step 5: Access the Chart Series

With the chart now accessible, you need to dive deeper to modify the data labels. The series represents the data points in your chart.

// Access first series
Series srs = ch.NSeries[0];

We’re targeting the first series here, which typically contains the labels you might want to modify.

Step 6: Set the Shape Type of Data Labels

Now for the crucial part! Let’s set the shape type of the data labels. Aspose.Cells supports various shapes, and for this example, we’ll choose a speech bubble oval for a fun touch.

// Set the shape type of data labels i.e. Speech Bubble Oval
srs.DataLabels.ShapeType = DataLabelShapeType.WedgeEllipseCallout;

Feel free to experiment with different shape types by changing DataLabelShapeType.WedgeEllipseCallout to other available options!

Step 7: Save the Output Excel File

You’ve done the heavy lifting, and now it’s time to save your work. Let’s put that modified data label shape back into an Excel file.

// Save the output Excel file
wb.Save(outputDir + "outputSetShapeTypeOfDataLabelsOfChart.xlsx");

This will save the modified workbook in your specified output directory.

Step 8: Execute and Confirm

Finally, it’s time to run your program. After executing, you should see the message confirming that everything went smoothly!

Console.WriteLine("SetShapeTypeOfDataLabelsOfChart executed successfully.");

Once you see that message, go to your output directory to check the new Excel file. Open it up and unleash your creativity with the newly shaped data labels!


And there you have it—a straightforward guide to enhancing data labels in Excel charts using Aspose.Cells for .NET! Customizing the shape types not only makes your charts more visually appealing but also helps convey your data story more effectively. Remember, data visualization is all about clarity and engagement. So, don’t hesitate to play around with different shapes and styles—after all, your data deserves the best presentation.


What is Aspose.Cells?

Aspose.Cells is a powerful .NET library that allows developers to manipulate Excel files programmatically.

Can I change different aspects of an Excel chart using Aspose?

Absolutely! Aspose.Cells offers extensive functionalities to modify charts, including data series, labels, styles, and more.

What programming languages can I use with Aspose.Cells?

While this article focuses on .NET, Aspose.Cells also supports Java, PHP, Python, and more via REST APIs.

Do I need to pay for Aspose.Cells?

Aspose.Cells is a commercial product, but they offer a free trial, which you can find here.

Where can I get help if I face issues with Aspose.Cells?

If you encounter any issues, their support forum is a great resource to get assistance from experts.