Setting Chart Data


When it comes to data visualization, graphs and charts are indispensable. They help you tell a story with your data, making complex information easier to understand and interpret. Aspose.Cells for .NET is an excellent library that allows you to manipulate Excel files, including the ability to create awesome charts. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting chart data seamlessly using Aspose.Cells for .NET.


Before we get started, there are a few things you’ll need to kick off this journey.

Install Aspose.Cells for .NET

  1. Visual Studio: You should have Microsoft Visual Studio installed on your computer to write and execute .NET code.
  2. Aspose.Cells: Make sure to download and install the Aspose.Cells library. You can find the latest version here.
  3. Basic Knowledge of C#: Familiarity with C# and .NET framework will be handy for understanding the code snippets we’ll use throughout this tutorial.

Import Packages

Before you can start writing code, you need to import the necessary namespaces from the Aspose.Cells package. Here’s how you can do this at the top of your C# file:

using System;
using System.IO;

using Aspose.Cells;

By doing this, you avoid having to type out the full path of the classes you’re using throughout your code, making it cleaner and more readable.

Now that you have everything ready, let’s break down the process of setting chart data step by step. We’ll be creating a column chart based on some sample data.

Step 1: Define Output Directory

string outputDir = "Your Output Directory";

In this step, you specify where you want to save your Excel file. Replace "Your Output Directory" with the actual path where you want the file to reside. This is like setting up the workspace before you start painting – you wouldn’t want to get paint everywhere!

Step 2: Create a Workbook

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

Here, you create an instance of the Workbook class, which is essentially your Excel file. Think of it like a blank canvas waiting for you to fill it with data and charts.

Step 3: Access the First Worksheet

Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

Now we access the first worksheet in the workbook. Worksheets are like pages in a book, where each page can contain its own set of data and charts.

Step 4: Add Sample Values to Cells

You can now insert your chart data into the worksheet. Here’s how:


In this step, we’re populating the cells with sample data. Here, we have two sets of values that will represent our chart series. It’s like stocking up your pantry with ingredients before you start cooking – you need the right components in place!

Step 5: Adding Category Labels

It’s also important to label your data categories so that the chart makes sense at a glance.


This step adds category data to the ‘C’ column, helping your audience understand what your chart is representing. Think of it as writing a title for each section in a report – clarity is key.

Step 6: Add a Chart to the Worksheet

Now it’s time to add the chart itself.

int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);

This line of code creates a column chart at a specific location within the worksheet. Visualize this step as sketching the outline of your painting – it sets up the framework for what you’ll fill in next.

Step 7: Access the Newly Added Chart

Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];

Here, we get a reference to the chart we just added, allowing us to customize it further. It’s similar to picking up the paintbrush after the outline is ready – now you’re ready to add some color!

Step 8: Set Chart Data Source

This is where we connect our chart to the data we’ve prepared.

chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", true);

With this step, we’re informing the chart where to pull data from. Just like creating a playlist by adding your favorite songs to a list, we’re essentially telling the chart which data to highlight.

Step 9: Save the Excel File

You’re almost done! Now, let’s save your work.

workbook.Save(outputDir + "outputSettingChartsData.xlsx");

With this line of code, you save your workbook as an Excel file. Consider this the final brush stroke on your masterpiece – it’s time to show off your work!

Step 10: Confirmation Message

Finally, we can print a success message to reassure ourselves that everything went smoothly.

Console.WriteLine("SettingChartsData executed successfully.");

This step provides closure to our process, letting us know that our chart was created and saved successfully. Think of it as the applause after a great performance!


Setting chart data using Aspose.Cells for .NET doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these steps, you can create visually appealing charts that streamline data interpretation. Whether you’re working with financial data, project timelines, or survey results, the insights that these visual representations provide are invaluable. So, why not incorporate charts into your next report and impress your audience?


What is Aspose.Cells?

Aspose.Cells is a .NET library that allows users to create, manipulate, convert, and render Excel files.

How do I install Aspose.Cells for .NET?

You can download it from here and add it to your project via NuGet Package Manager.

Can I create different types of charts with Aspose.Cells?

Yes! Aspose.Cells supports various chart types, including line, bar, pie, and more.

Is there a free trial available for Aspose.Cells?

Absolutely! You can access a free trial here.

How do I get technical support for Aspose.Cells?

For support, you can visit the Aspose Forum.