Convert Chart to PDF


When it comes to handling spreadsheets, charts often play a crucial role in visualizing data effectively. Whether you’re preparing a report, conducting a presentation, or simply facilitating data analysis, converting these charts to PDF provides a professional touch. Here, we will walk you through the steps to convert an Excel chart to a PDF format using Aspose.Cells for .NET, a powerful library designed to simplify Excel manipulations.


Before diving into the tutorial, you need to ensure that you have the right setup. Here’s what you need:

.NET Framework

Make sure you have the .NET framework installed on your machine. Aspose.Cells is compatible with various versions but tends to work best with the latest.

Aspose.Cells Library

You will need the Aspose.Cells for .NET library. You can download it from here. The library comes with a rich API that encapsulates all the functions you’d need for Excel manipulations.

Visual Studio

Having Visual Studio installed is essential, as it’s a great IDE to write your .NET code seamlessly.

Basic Knowledge of C#

Some familiarity with C# programming language will help you understand the code segments better.

Import Packages

To successfully use Aspose.Cells in your project, you need to import the necessary packages. Here’s how you can do that:

Create a New Project

Start by creating a new C# project in Visual Studio:

  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. Click on “Create a new project.”
  3. Select “Console App (.NET Core)” or “Console App (.NET Framework)” based on your requirement.
  4. Name your project and click “Create.”

Add Aspose.Cells Reference

After creating your project, you must add a reference to the Aspose.Cells library:

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click on your project.
  2. Choose “Manage NuGet Packages.”
  3. Search for “Aspose.Cells” and install it.

Once you have the library included in your project, you’re ready to move on to the code.

Import the Required Namespaces

At the top of your Program.cs file, add the following namespaces:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Aspose.Cells.Charts;
using System.IO;

Here’s how to convert an Excel chart to PDF in a systematic manner. Follow along step by step!

Step 1: Set Up Output and Source Directories

To begin your code, you’ll first want to specify where you’ll save your output and where your source document is located.

// Output directory
string outputDir = "Your Output Directory";

// Source directory
string sourceDir = "Your Document Directory";

Make sure to replace "Your Output Directory" and "Your Document Directory" with the actual path where your files are located.

Step 2: Load the Excel Workbook

Now, let’s load the Excel file which contains the charts you want to convert. This is pretty straightforward:

// Load excel file containing charts
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(sourceDir + "sampleChartToPdf.xlsx");

This code initializes a new workbook object and loads the specified Excel file. Ensure the file name matches the one you have in your source directory.

Step 3: Access the Worksheet

Next, you need to access the worksheet that contains the chart you wish to convert. Here’s how to do it:

// Access first worksheet
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

This code accesses the first worksheet in your workbook, allowing you to work with it.

Step 4: Access the Chart

Once you have the worksheet, it’s time to access the specific chart you want to convert:

// Access first chart inside the worksheet
Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[0];

This line grabs the first chart contained in the worksheet. If your worksheet has multiple charts and you need to target a specific one, adjust the index accordingly.

Step 5: Convert the Chart to PDF

Now comes the exciting part—converting the chart to a PDF format. You can either save it to a file or to a memory stream.

Option 1: Save Chart to File

To save the chart directly to a PDF file, use the following code:

// Save the chart into pdf format
chart.ToPdf(outputDir + "outputChartToPdf.pdf");

Just ensure that the output directory indeed exists to avoid any errors.

Option 2: Save Chart to Memory Stream

If you’re looking to manipulate the PDF further or need to use it immediately in your application, saving it to a memory stream might be the better choice:

// Save the chart into pdf format in stream
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

Here, you save the PDF into a memory stream, which can be used according to your application’s needs.

Step 6: Display Success Message

Finally, it’s always nice to indicate that your operation was successful. You can simply print a success message to the console:

Console.WriteLine("ChartToPdf executed successfully.");


And there you have it! By leveraging Aspose.Cells for .NET, converting Excel charts into PDF formats becomes a walk in the park. Whether you opt to save to a file or a memory stream, the library promises flexibility and ease of use. So, why not give it a try? Your reports will look much sharper with professionally formatted PDF charts!


Can Aspose.Cells convert multiple charts at once?

Yes, you can loop through the worksheet.Charts collection to convert each chart individually.

Is Aspose.Cells suitable for large Excel files?

Absolutely! Aspose.Cells is optimized for performance and can efficiently handle large Excel files.

What versions of .NET does Aspose.Cells support?

Aspose.Cells supports various versions of .NET, including .NET Framework and .NET Core.

Where can I find detailed documentation?

Visit the Aspose.Cells documentation for in-depth information and examples.

Is there a free trial version available?

Yes! You can download a free trial from here.