Render Chart


Charts are an essential element in data presentation and analysis, making complex information easily digestible. If you’re working with .NET and need to generate charts programmatically, Aspose.Cells is a powerful library that provides intuitive and advanced features for handling Excel files and charts. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of rendering a chart using Aspose.Cells for .NET. Get ready to dive into this detailed tutorial, which is designed to be engaging and easy to follow!


Before we jump into the code, let’s ensure you have everything ready. Here’s what you need:

  1. .NET Environment: Make sure you have a .NET development environment set up. You can use Visual Studio or any other IDE that supports .NET.
  2. Aspose.Cells for .NET: You need to have the Aspose.Cells library installed. You can download it from Aspose’s release page.
  3. Basic C# Knowledge: Familiarity with C# programming will help you understand the examples better, but don’t worry if you’re new—this guide will explain everything step by step!

Import Packages

The first step in your coding journey is importing the necessary packages. Open your project in your IDE and add the following namespace:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Aspose.Cells.Rendering;

These namespaces will provide you with access to the functionality offered by the Aspose.Cells library, allowing you to create and manipulate your charts seamlessly.

Now that we’ve covered the prerequisites and imports, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of rendering a chart! We’ll break it down into clear, manageable steps.

Step 1: Set Up Your Output Directory

Before we create our workbook and chart, we need to establish where our outputs will be saved. This way, when our chart is generated, you’ll know exactly where to find it.

string outputDir = "Your Output Directory"; // Specify the output directory here.

Make sure to replace “Your Output Directory” with the path where you want to save your chart images.

Step 2: Create a Workbook

Next, we’ll instatiate a new workbook. This is where all the magic happens!

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

This line creates a new instance of the Workbook class, which allows us to work with sheets and charts.

Step 3: Add a New Worksheet

Now that we have our workbook, it’s time to add a new worksheet. Think of worksheets as different pages in a notebook, where you can keep your data organized.

int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];

Here, we add a new worksheet and obtain a reference to it. You’ll be working with this worksheet to input your data and charts.

Step 4: Input Sample Values

With our worksheet created, let’s add some sample data to the cells. This data is what your chart will be based on, so choose values that make sense for your chart type!


In this snippet, we’re populating cells “A1” to “A3” with some numeric values and cells “B1” to “B3” with another set of values. Feel free to customize these numbers to fit your needs!

Step 5: Create a Chart

Now, it’s time to create your chart. We will add a column chart type, which is great for comparing values.

int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);
Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];

Here, we’re adding a chart in the specified location by defining its layout: the first set of numbers represents the chart’s position on the grid.

Step 6: Adding Data Series to the Chart

With the chart created, we now need to bind it to the data we entered in the previous steps.

chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", true);

This line connects the chart’s data series to the values in cells “A1” to “B3”. This means your chart will visually represent the data as intended.

Step 7: Save the Chart as an Image

Now let’s convert our chart into an image format, so it can be easily shared and viewed.

chart.ToImage(outputDir + "outputChartRendering.emf", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf);

In this step, we save the chart as an EMF (Enhanced Metafile) image in the specified output directory. You can also save it in different formats like BMP or PNG.

Step 8: Convert Chart to Bitmap

If you prefer working with bitmaps, here’s how to convert your chart to a Bitmap format.

System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = chart.ToImage();
bitmap.Save(outputDir + "outputChartRendering.bmp", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);

This will save your chart as a BMP image. Remember, BMP files tend to be larger but are incredibly high quality!

Step 9: Rendering with Advanced Options

We can also render the chart with some advanced image options for better quality and resolution. Let’s set up a few options:

ImageOrPrintOptions options = new ImageOrPrintOptions()
    VerticalResolution = 300,
    HorizontalResolution = 300,
    SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias

These options help improve the visual quality of the image you generate, especially useful for presentations or publications.

Step 10: Convert Chart to Image with Advanced Options

Now let’s actually convert the chart using the advanced options we just set.

chart.ToImage(outputDir + "outputChartRendering.png", options);

This saves your chart as a PNG file with enhanced quality settings.

Step 11: Exporting the Chart to PDF

Finally, if you want a polished, easily shareable document, you can export your chart directly to a PDF format.

chart.ToPdf(outputDir + "outputChartRendering.pdf");

This step will create a PDF that contains your chart, making it perfect for digital reports or sharing with colleagues.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully rendered a chart using Aspose.Cells for .NET. This powerful library simplifies the creation and manipulation of Excel files and charts, making your data much more accessible and visually appealing. Whether you are preparing reports, analyses, or presentations, charts make a significant impact, and with Aspose, you can create them programmatically with ease.


What types of charts can I create with Aspose.Cells for .NET?

You can create a variety of charts, including column, line, pie, and bar charts, among others.

Can I customize the appearance of the charts?

Yes, Aspose.Cells allows for extensive customization, including colors, styles, and chart elements.

Is there a free trial available?

Absolutely! You can download a free trial version from here.

Where can I get support for Aspose.Cells?

You can find community support and resources at the Aspose Support Forum.

Do I need a license to use Aspose.Cells?

Yes, a license is required for continued use beyond the trial, but you can apply for a temporary license here.