Modify Line Chart


Creating visually appealing and informative charts is essential for effective data representation, especially in business and academic settings. But how do you enhance your line charts to convey the story behind the numbers? This is where Aspose.Cells for .NET comes into play. In this article, we’ll dive into using Aspose.Cells to modify an existing line chart effortlessly. We’ll cover everything from prerequisites to step-by-step instructions, helping you make the most out of your data visualization efforts.


Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of chart modification, let’s ensure you’ve got everything you need to get started. Here are the essential prerequisites:

Install Visual Studio

You’ll need Visual Studio installed on your machine to write and run the C# code effectively. If you don’t have it yet, you can download it from Visual Studio’s site.

Download Aspose.Cells for .NET

To use Aspose.Cells, you need the library. You can easily download the latest version from this link.

Basic Knowledge of C#

While we’ll explain everything step by step, a fundamental understanding of C# will help you navigate through this tutorial smoothly.

An Existing Excel File

Make sure you have an Excel file ready with a line chart. We’ll be working with a file named sampleModifyLineChart.xlsx, so have that on hand, too.

Import Packages

To get started, we need to set up our project by importing the required namespaces. Here’s how to do it:

Create a New Project in Visual Studio

Open Visual Studio and create a new C# Console Application project. Name it something relevant, such as “LineChartModifier”.

Add Reference to Aspose.Cells

In your project, right-click on “References” and select “Add Reference.” Search for Aspose.Cells and add it to your project.

Import the Necessary Namespaces

At the top of your Program.cs, you’ll need to import the necessary namespaces:

using Aspose.Cells;
using Aspose.Cells.Charts;
using System.Drawing;

Now that we have everything set up and ready to roll, let’s break down the chart modification process step by step.

Step 1: Define Output and Source Directories

The first thing we need to do is specify where our output file will be saved and where our source file is located.

string outputDir = "Your Output Directory"; // Set this to your desired output directory
string sourceDir = "Your Document Directory"; // Set this to where your sampleModifyLineChart.xlsx is located

Step 2: Open the Existing Workbook

Next, we’ll open our existing Excel workbook. This is where we’ll access the chart we want to modify.

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(sourceDir + "sampleModifyLineChart.xlsx");

Step 3: Access the Chart

Once the workbook is opened, we need to navigate to the first worksheet and get the line chart.

Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart chart = workbook.Worksheets[0].Charts[0];

Step 4: Add New Data Series

Now comes the fun part! We can add new data series to our chart to make it more informative.

Adding the Third Data Series

chart.NSeries.Add("{60, 80, 10}", true);

This code adds a third data series to the chart with the specified values.

Adding the Fourth Data Series

chart.NSeries.Add("{0.3, 0.7, 1.2}", true);

This line adds another data series, the fourth, enabling you to represent more data visually.

Step 5: Plot on Second Axis

To differentiate the new data series visually, we’ll plot the fourth series on a second axis.

chart.NSeries[3].PlotOnSecondAxis = true;

This allows your chart to present complex relationships between various data series clearly.

Step 6: Customize Series Appearance

You can enhance readability by customizing the appearance of your data series. Let’s change the border colors of the second and third series:

Change the Border Color for the Second Series

chart.NSeries[1].Border.Color = Color.Green;

Change the Border Color for the Third Series

chart.NSeries[2].Border.Color = Color.Red;

By using different colors, your chart becomes aesthetically pleasing and easier to interpret at a glance.

Step 7: Make the Second Value Axis Visible

Enabling the visibility of the second value axis helps in understanding the scale and comparison between the two axes.

chart.SecondValueAxis.IsVisible = true;

Step 8: Save the Modified Workbook

After making all the modifications, it’s time to save our work.

workbook.Save(outputDir + "outputModifyLineChart.xlsx");

Step 9: Execute the Program

Finally, to see everything in action, run your console application. You should see the message stating the modification was successful!

Console.WriteLine("ModifyLineChart executed successfully.");


Modifying line charts using Aspose.Cells for .NET doesn’t have to be a daunting task. As we’ve seen, by following these simple steps, you can add data series, customize visuals, and create dynamic charts that tell the story behind your data. This not only strengthens your presentations but also enhances understanding. So why wait? Start experimenting with charts today and become a data visualization master!


Can I use Aspose.Cells for other chart types?

Yes, you can modify different types of charts (such as bar, pie, etc.) using similar methods.

Is there a trial version of Aspose.Cells available?

Absolutely! You can try it for free here.

How can I change the chart type after adding series?

You can use the ChartType property to set a new chart type for your chart.

Where can I find more detailed documentation?

Check out the documentation here.

What if I encounter an issue while using Aspose.Cells?

Make sure to seek help in the Aspose support forum here.