Modify Pie Chart


Ever wondered how you could spruce up those pie charts in your Excel sheets? Pie charts can be a fantastic way to visualize data, keeping your audience engaged and informed. However, sometimes those charts don’t tell the story you want them to tell right out of the box. That’s where Aspose.Cells for .NET comes into play. This powerful library allows you to manipulate Excel files programmatically, giving you the tools you need to customize your pie charts down to the smallest detail. In this tutorial, we’re going to take a deep dive into modifying a pie chart using Aspose.Cells. Whether it’s changing data labels or tweaking the chart’s aesthetics.


Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of modifying pie charts, there are a few prerequisites you should have in place:

  • Basic Knowledge of C#: A fundamental understanding of C# programming will help you follow along easily.
  • Aspose.Cells for .NET: You’ll need to have the Aspose.Cells library installed. Whether you decide to use the full version or opt for a free trial, make sure it’s ready to go.
  • Visual Studio or Any C# IDE: You’ll need an environment to write and execute your C# code.
  • Excel Sample File: For this tutorial, a sample Excel file named sampleModifyPieChart.xlsx will be used.

You can download the Aspose.Cells library here.

Import Packages

The first step in our journey is to import the necessary packages into our C# project. Here’s how you can do that:

Set Up Your Project

To get started, open your C# IDE (Visual Studio is highly recommended) and create a new project:

  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. Select “Create a new project.”
  3. Choose a C# console application.
  4. Name your project (e.g., ModifyPieChartDemo).
  5. Click Create.

Install Aspose.Cells

Once your project is ready, it’s time to add the Aspose.Cells library. You can install it using NuGet:

  1. In the “Solution Explorer” right-click on your project.
  2. Select Manage NuGet Packages.
  3. Navigate to the Browse tab.
  4. Search for Aspose.Cells.
  5. Click Install and accept any license agreements.

Now that you have the library installed, let’s import the necessary namespaces in your code.

Importing Namespaces

At the top of your Program.cs file, import the following namespaces:

using System;
using System.IO;

using Aspose.Cells;
using Aspose.Cells.Drawing;
using System.Drawing;
using Aspose.Cells.Charts;

With that done, we’re now ready to move on to the actual code!

Step 1: Define Input and Output Directories

Let’s start by defining the directories for your input and output files. This is where you specify where your Excel file is located and where you want to save the modified file.

In your Main method, type the following code:

// Output directory
string outputDir = "Your Output Directory Path";

// Source directory
string sourceDir = "Your Document Directory Path";

Make sure to replace Your Output Directory Path and Your Document Directory Path with the actual paths on your system.

Step 2: Open the Existing Workbook

Next, we need to open the Excel file that contains the pie chart you want to modify. For this, use the Workbook class:

// Open the existing file.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(sourceDir + "sampleModifyPieChart.xlsx");

In this snippet, we’re creating a new Workbook object and loading our Excel file into it.

Step 3: Access the Worksheet

Now, let’s dive into the particular sheet that contains the pie chart. We’re going to assume the pie chart is on the second worksheet (index 1):

// Get the designer chart in the second sheet.
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[1];

By accessing the Worksheets collection, we can get to the specific sheet we need.

Step 4: Get the Chart

Now, we’re ready to get access to the chart itself. Assuming there’s only one chart on that worksheet, we can fetch it directly:

Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart chart = sheet.Charts[0];

Here, we’re grabbing the first chart from the specified worksheet.

Step 5: Access Data Labels

Now comes the exciting part—modifying the data labels on the pie chart. Let’s access the data labels of the data series:

// Get the data labels in the data series of the third data point.
Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels datalabels = chart.NSeries[0].Points[2].DataLabels;

With this line, we’re targeting the data labels specifically for the third point of our data series.

Step 6: Modify the Label Text

Next, it’s time to change what that label says. For our example, we’re going to update it to “United Kingdom, 400K”:

// Change the text of the label.
datalabels.Text = "United Kingdom, 400K";

Just like that, we’ve updated the label!

Step 7: Save the Workbook

Now that we’ve made our changes, let’s save the modified workbook.

// Save the excel file.
workbook.Save(outputDir + "outputModifyPieChart.xlsx");

This line saves the workbook to the specified output directory.

Step 8: Confirm Execution

Lastly, let’s output a confirmation message to ensure everything ran smoothly:

Console.WriteLine("ModifyPieChart executed successfully.");

This gives you a little reassurance that your changes were made as expected.


There you have it! With just a few simple steps, you’ve successfully modified a pie chart using Aspose.Cells for .NET. This powerful library not only makes it easy to manipulate Excel files but also allows you to personalize your data visualizations for maximum impact. If you’re handling data presentation in your work, investing time in learning how to use Aspose.Cells will definitely pay off. So go ahead, play around with those charts, and see how you can bring your data to life!


What is Aspose.Cells for .NET?

Aspose.Cells for .NET is a powerful library designed to create, manipulate, and convert Excel files programmatically without the need for Microsoft Excel.

Can I modify charts other than pie charts?

Absolutely! Aspose.Cells supports various chart types, including bar, line, and area charts, allowing for flexible data visualization.

Is there a free version of Aspose.Cells?

Yes! Aspose offers a free trial version which allows you to test the library before purchasing.

Where can I find support for Aspose.Cells?

You can find support in the Aspose forums, where community members and Aspose staff can assist you.

Do I need to have Microsoft Excel installed to use Aspose.Cells?

No, Aspose.Cells works independently of Microsoft Excel. You don’t need it installed on your system.