Apply Copy Style Attribute in Aspose.Cells Smart Markers


In the world of data analysis and reporting, the ability to seamlessly integrate dynamic data into spreadsheets can be a game-changer. Aspose.Cells for .NET, a powerful API from Aspose, provides a comprehensive set of tools to help developers achieve this task effortlessly. In this tutorial, we will delve into the process of applying copy style attributes in Aspose.Cells Smart Markers, a feature that allows you to dynamically populate your spreadsheets with data from various sources.


Before we begin, ensure that you have the following in place:

  1. Visual Studio: You’ll need to have Microsoft Visual Studio installed on your system, as we’ll be using it to write and execute the code.
  2. Aspose.Cells for .NET: You can download the latest version of Aspose.Cells for .NET from the website. Once downloaded, you can either add a reference to the DLL or install the package using NuGet.

Import Packages

To get started, let’s import the necessary packages in our C# project:

using System.IO;
using Aspose.Cells;
using System.Data;

Step 1: Create a DataTable

The first step is to create a DataTable that will serve as the data source for our Smart Markers. In this example, we’ll create a simple “Student” DataTable with a single “Name” column:

// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
// Create Students DataTable
DataTable dtStudent = new DataTable("Student");
// Define a field in it
DataColumn dcName = new DataColumn("Name", typeof(string));
// Add three rows to it
DataRow drName1 = dtStudent.NewRow();
DataRow drName2 = dtStudent.NewRow();
DataRow drName3 = dtStudent.NewRow();
drName1["Name"] = "John";
drName2["Name"] = "Jack";
drName3["Name"] = "James";

Step 2: Load the Smart Markers Template

Next, we’ll load the Smart Markers template file into an Aspose.Cells Workbook object:

string filePath = dataDir + "TestSmartMarkers.xlsx";
// Create a workbook from Smart Markers template file
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(filePath);

Step 3: Create a WorkbookDesigner

To work with Smart Markers, we need to create a WorkbookDesigner object and associate it with the Workbook we loaded in the previous step:

// Instantiate a new WorkbookDesigner
WorkbookDesigner designer = new WorkbookDesigner();
// Specify the Workbook
designer.Workbook = workbook;

Step 4: Set the Data Source

Now, we’ll set the DataTable we created earlier as the data source for the WorkbookDesigner:

// Set the Data Source

Step 5: Process the Smart Markers

With the data source set, we can now process the Smart Markers in the Workbook:

// Process the smart markers

Step 6: Save the Updated Workbook

Finally, we’ll save the updated Workbook to a new file:

// Save the Excel file
workbook.Save(dataDir+ "output.xlsx", SaveFormat.Xlsx);

And that’s it! You’ve successfully applied copy style attributes in Aspose.Cells Smart Markers. The resulting Excel file will contain the data from the DataTable, with the styles and formatting applied according to the Smart Markers template.


In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to leverage the power of Aspose.Cells for .NET to dynamically populate Excel spreadsheets with data using Smart Markers. By integrating your data sources with the Smart Markers template, you can create highly customized and visually appealing reports and presentations with minimal effort.


What is the difference between Aspose.Cells and Microsoft Excel?

Aspose.Cells is a .NET API that provides programmatic access to Excel functionality, allowing developers to create, manipulate, and manage Excel files without the need for Microsoft Excel to be installed on the system. In contrast, Microsoft Excel is a standalone spreadsheet application used for data analysis, reporting, and various other tasks.

Can Aspose.Cells work with other data sources besides DataTables?

Yes, Aspose.Cells is highly versatile and can work with a variety of data sources, including databases, XML, JSON, and more. The SetDataSource() method of the WorkbookDesigner class can accept various data sources, providing flexibility in integrating your data into the Excel spreadsheet.

How can I customize the appearance of the generated Excel file?

Aspose.Cells offers extensive customization options, allowing you to control the formatting, styling, and layout of the generated Excel file. You can use the various classes and properties provided by the API to apply custom styles, merge cells, set column widths, and much more.

Is Aspose.Cells compatible with all versions of Microsoft Excel?

Yes, Aspose.Cells is designed to be compatible with a wide range of Excel versions, from Excel 97 to the latest versions. The API can read, write, and manipulate Excel files in various formats, including XLS, XLSX, CSV, and more.

Can I use Aspose.Cells in a production environment?

Absolutely! Aspose.Cells is a mature and well-established API used by developers worldwide in production environments. It is known for its reliability, performance, and robust feature set, making it a reliable choice for mission-critical applications.