Convert HTML to MHTML in .NET with Aspose.HTML

In the world of web development, efficient document conversion is crucial. The Aspose.HTML for .NET library is a powerful tool that simplifies the conversion of HTML documents into various formats, including MHTML. MHTML, short for “MIME HTML,” is a web page archive format that allows you to save a webpage and its resources in a single file. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of converting an HTML document to MHTML using Aspose.HTML for .NET.


Before we dive into the conversion process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

1. Aspose.HTML for .NET Library

You need to have the Aspose.HTML for .NET library installed. If you haven’t done this already, you can download it from the website here. Follow the installation instructions provided on the website.

2. Sample HTML Document

To perform the conversion, you’ll need an HTML document to work with. Ensure you have a sample HTML file ready. You can use your own HTML document or download a sample from the Aspose.HTML documentation.

Now that you have the prerequisites in place, let’s proceed with the conversion.

Import Namespace

First, you need to import the necessary namespaces into your C# code. This is essential to access the classes and methods provided by the Aspose.HTML library.

Import the Required Namespace

using Aspose.Html;

Now that you’ve imported the necessary namespace, you can move on to the actual conversion process.

We’ll break down the conversion of an HTML document to MHTML into several steps for clarity.

Load the HTML Document

string dataDir = "Your Data Directory"; // Specify your data directory
HTMLDocument htmlDocument = new HTMLDocument(dataDir + "input.html"); // Load the HTML document

In this step, you provide the path to your HTML document. Aspose.HTML loads the HTML file, making it ready for conversion.

Initialize MHTMLSaveOptions

MHTMLSaveOptions options = new MHTMLSaveOptions();

Here, you initialize the MHTMLSaveOptions class, which provides options for the MHTML conversion.

Set Resource Handling Rules

options.ResourceHandlingOptions.MaxHandlingDepth = 1;

You can set resource handling rules based on your requirements. In this example, we limit the maximum handling depth to 1, which means only the main HTML document and its immediate resources will be included in the MHTML file.

Specify the Output Path

string outputMHTML = dataDir + "HTMLtoMHTML_Output.mht"; // Specify the output file path

In this step, you specify the path for the resulting MHTML file. This is where the converted MHTML document will be saved.

Perform the Conversion

Converter.ConvertHTML(htmlDocument, options, outputMHTML);

Now, it’s time to convert the HTML document to MHTML. The ConvertHTML method takes the loaded HTML document, the options you’ve set, and the output file path as parameters.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully converted an HTML document to MHTML using Aspose.HTML for .NET. You can now access the MHTML file at the specified output path.


Efficiently converting HTML documents to MHTML format is a valuable skill for web developers and content creators. Aspose.HTML for .NET simplifies this process, making it accessible and user-friendly. By following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can effortlessly create MHTML archives of your web content.

Now, let’s address some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to provide further clarity on this topic.


What is MHTML, and why is it used?

MHTML, short for “MIME HTML,” is a web page archive format that allows you to save a webpage and its resources in a single file. It’s commonly used for archiving web content, sharing web pages as single files, and ensuring that all resources (images, stylesheets, etc.) are included, even if they’re hosted on different servers.

Can I customize resource handling when converting to MHTML?

Yes, you can. As shown in the example, you can set resource handling rules using the ResourceHandlingOptions of the MHTMLSaveOptions class. You can control the depth to which resources are included in the MHTML file.

Where can I find more resources and documentation for Aspose.HTML for .NET?

You can explore the Aspose.HTML documentation for in-depth information, tutorials, and API references. Additionally, the Aspose.HTML forum is a great place to seek help and discuss any issues or questions you may have.

Is there a free trial available for Aspose.HTML for .NET?

Yes, you can get a free trial of Aspose.HTML for .NET by visiting this link. The trial version allows you to explore the library’s features before making a purchase.

How do I obtain a temporary license for Aspose.HTML for .NET?

If you need a temporary license, you can obtain one from the Aspose.Purchase website. This temporary license will grant you access to the full functionality of the library for a limited time.