Extract OneNote Content using Document Visitor - Java


Aspose.Note for Java provides powerful features for extracting content from OneNote documents. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of extracting content from a OneNote document using the Document Visitor in Java.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system.
  2. Aspose.Note for Java library downloaded. You can download it here.
  3. A OneNote document (with the extension .one) to extract content from.

Import Packages

First, you need to import the necessary packages to work with Aspose.Note for Java.

import java.io.IOException;

import com.aspose.note.Document;
import com.aspose.note.DocumentVisitor;
import com.aspose.note.Image;
import com.aspose.note.LoadOptions;
import com.aspose.note.Outline;
import com.aspose.note.OutlineElement;
import com.aspose.note.OutlineGroup;
import com.aspose.note.Page;
import com.aspose.note.RichText;
import com.aspose.note.Title;

Step 1: Set Up Document Visitor Class

Create a class that extends the DocumentVisitor class provided by Aspose.Note for Java. This class will handle visiting different nodes of the document.

public class ExtractOneNoteContentUsingDocumentvisitor extends DocumentVisitor {
    final private StringBuilder mBuilder;
    final private boolean mIsSkipText;
    private int nodecount;

    public ExtractOneNoteContentUsingDocumentvisitor() {
        nodecount = 0;
        mIsSkipText = false;
        mBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    // Other methods will be implemented here

Step 2: Implement Visitor Methods

Implement visitor methods for different types of nodes that you want to process in the document. In this example, we’ll implement methods for RichText, Document, Page, Title, Image, OutlineGroup, Outline, and OutlineElement nodes.

// Visitor methods for different types of nodes

public /* override */ void VisitRichTextStart(RichText run) {

public /* override */ void VisitDocumentStart(Document document) {

public /* override */ void VisitPageStart(Page page) {

public /* override */ void VisitTitleStart(Title title) {

public /* override */ void VisitImageStart(Image image) {

public /* override */ void VisitOutlineGroupStart(OutlineGroup outlineGroup) {

public void VisitOutlineStart(Outline outline) {

public void VisitOutlineElementStart(OutlineElement outlineElement) {

Step 3: Main Method

In the main method, load the OneNote document, create an instance of your custom Document Visitor class, and accept the visitor to start the visiting process.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // Open the document we want to convert.
    String dataDir = "Your Document Directory";
    Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Sample1.one", new LoadOptions());
    // Create an object that inherits from the DocumentVisitor class.
    ExtractOneNoteContentUsingDocumentvisitor myConverter = new ExtractOneNoteContentUsingDocumentvisitor();
    // Accept the visitor to start the visiting process.
    // Retrieve the result of the operation.


In this tutorial, you learned how to extract content from a OneNote document using Aspose.Note for Java. By implementing a custom Document Visitor class and visiting different nodes of the document, you can effectively extract and process content as per your requirements.


Q1: Can I extract specific types of content from the OneNote document?

A1: Yes, by implementing specific visitor methods for different node types, you can selectively extract content such as text, images, titles, etc.

Q2: Is Aspose.Note for Java compatible with different versions of OneNote documents?

A2: Aspose.Note for Java supports various versions of OneNote documents, ensuring compatibility and smooth extraction of content.

Q3: Can I integrate this extraction process into my Java application?

A3: Absolutely, you can integrate the content extraction process into your Java applications easily by following the provided tutorial.

Q4: Does Aspose.Note for Java provide support for handling complex OneNote documents?

A4: Yes, Aspose.Note for Java offers comprehensive support for handling complex structures and content within OneNote documents.

Q5: Is there any limit to the size of the OneNote document that can be processed using Aspose.Note for Java?

A5: Aspose.Note for Java is designed to handle OneNote documents of various sizes efficiently, ensuring optimal performance even with large documents.