Insert Pages in OneNote - Aspose.Note


In this tutorial, we will learn how to insert pages into a OneNote document using Aspose.Note for Java.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system.
  2. Aspose.Note for Java library downloaded. You can download it from here.
  3. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse installed.

Import Packages

First, you need to import the necessary packages in your Java file:


import com.aspose.note.Document;
import com.aspose.note.Outline;
import com.aspose.note.OutlineElement;
import com.aspose.note.Page;
import com.aspose.note.RichText;
import com.aspose.note.SaveFormat;
import com.aspose.note.ParagraphStyle;

Step 1: Create a Document Object

Initialize a Document object:

Document doc = new Document();

Step 2: Initialize Page Objects

Initialize Page objects and set their levels:

Page page1 = new Page();
page1.setLevel((byte) 1);

Page page2 = new Page();
page2.setLevel((byte) 2);

Page page3 = new Page();
page3.setLevel((byte) 1);

Step 3: Add Nodes to Pages

For each page, add nodes with desired content:

// Adding nodes to first Page
Outline outline = new Outline();
OutlineElement outlineElem = new OutlineElement();
ParagraphStyle textStyle = new ParagraphStyle()
                                    .setFontName("David Transparent")

RichText text = new RichText().append("First page.");


// Repeat similar steps for other pages

Step 4: Add Pages to the Document

Add the created pages to the OneNote document:


Step 5: Save the Document

Save the document in desired formats:

String dataDir = "Your Document Directory"; + "InsertPages_out.bmp" , SaveFormat.Bmp); + "InsertPages_out.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf); + "InsertPages_out.gif", SaveFormat.Gif); + "InsertPages_out.jpeg", SaveFormat.Jpeg); + "InsertPages_out.png", SaveFormat.Png); + "InsertPages_out.tiff", SaveFormat.Tiff);

System.out.println("Files Saved Successfully!");


In this tutorial, we have learned how to insert pages into a OneNote document using Aspose.Note for Java. By following the provided steps, you can efficiently manipulate OneNote documents programmatically.


Q1: Can I insert images into the OneNote document using Aspose.Note for Java?

A1: Yes, you can insert images by utilizing the appropriate classes and methods provided by Aspose.Note.

Q2: Is Aspose.Note compatible with different versions of OneNote?

A2: Aspose.Note offers compatibility with various versions of OneNote, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.

Q3: How can I handle errors or exceptions while working with Aspose.Note?

A3: You can implement error handling techniques such as try-catch blocks to manage exceptions gracefully and maintain the stability of your application.

Q4: Does Aspose.Note support cross-platform development?

A4: Yes, you can develop applications using Aspose.Note for Java on different platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Q5: Can I customize the appearance of inserted pages in OneNote?

A5: Absolutely, Aspose.Note provides extensive options for customizing page layouts, styles, and content to meet your specific requirements.