Adding Image Stamp in PDF File using Java

Introduction to Adding Image Stamp in PDF File using Java

Adding image stamps to PDF files using Java can enhance document branding and identification. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how to achieve this using the Aspose.PDF for Java library. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to add image stamps to your PDF documents efficiently.


Before we get started, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Java development environment (JDK)
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
  • Aspose.PDF for Java library
  • Basic knowledge of Java programming

Now, let’s dive into the steps to add an image stamp to a PDF file using Java.

Step 1: Set Up Your Java Environment

To begin, make sure you have Java installed on your system. You can download and install the latest JDK from the Oracle website. Once installed, set up your Java environment variables.

Step 2: Add Aspose.PDF for Java to Your Project

In your Java project, you need to include the Aspose.PDF library. You can do this by adding the library as a dependency in your project’s build file (e.g., Maven or Gradle).

Step 3: Create a PDF Document

Now, let’s create a PDF document that we’ll add an image stamp to. You can create a new PDF document using Aspose.PDF for Java with just a few lines of code.

// Code to create a new PDF document
Document pdfDocument = new Document();

Step 4: Add an Image Stamp

To add an image stamp to the PDF document, you’ll need an image file to use as the stamp. Here’s how you can do it:

// Code to add an image stamp
Stamp stamp = new Stamp();

Step 5: Customize the Image Stamp

You can customize the appearance and position of the image stamp according to your requirements. Adjust the opacity, size, rotation, and other properties as needed.

Step 6: Save the PDF Document

After adding the image stamp, save the modified PDF document to a file.

// Code to save the PDF document"output.pdf");


In this tutorial, we’ve learned how to add image stamps to PDF files using Java and Aspose.PDF for Java. You can now enhance your PDF documents with image stamps to improve branding and identification.


How can I change the position of the image stamp?

You can change the position of the image stamp by modifying its coordinates in the PDF document. Refer to the Aspose.PDF for Java documentation for detailed instructions.

Can I add multiple image stamps to a single PDF document?

Yes, you can add multiple image stamps to a single PDF document by repeating the stamping process for each image.

Is Aspose.PDF for Java free to use?

Aspose.PDF for Java is a commercial library, and you may need to purchase a license for certain usage scenarios. Check Aspose’s website for licensing details.

Are there any limitations on the image formats supported for stamping?

Aspose.PDF for Java supports various image formats like PNG, JPEG, GIF, and BMP for stamping. Ensure your image is in one of these formats.

Where can I find more examples and documentation for Aspose.PDF for Java?

You can find comprehensive documentation and examples on the Aspose.PDF for Java website at here