Get Product and Build Information of PDF in Java

Introduction to Get Product and Build Information of PDF in Java

Aspose.PDF for Java is a powerful library that allows developers to work with PDF files in Java applications. In this article, we will explore how to extract product and build information from PDF documents using Aspose.PDF for Java.


Before we dive into the details, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Aspose.PDF for Java library
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice

Ensure that you have set up your development environment correctly to begin working with Aspose.PDF for Java.

Getting Started

To get started, you need to import the Aspose.PDF library into your Java project. You can add the library as a dependency in your project configuration or download the JAR file from the Aspose website and include it in your project manually.

Once you have added Aspose.PDF to your project, you can create a new PDF document and start working with it programmatically.

// Import the Aspose.PDF library
import com.aspose.pdf.Document;

// Create a new PDF document
Document pdfDocument = new Document();

Extracting Product Information

In many scenarios, you may need to extract product information from PDF files. This could include details such as the product name, version, and manufacturer. Aspose.PDF for Java makes it easy to retrieve this information.

// Extract product information
String productName = pdfDocument.getProductName();
String productVersion = pdfDocument.getProductVersion();
String productManufacturer = pdfDocument.getProductManufacturer();

// Display product information
System.out.println("Product Name: " + productName);
System.out.println("Product Version: " + productVersion);
System.out.println("Product Manufacturer: " + productManufacturer);

Extracting Build Information

PDF files often contain build-related data, such as the date of creation or modification. Extracting this build information can be crucial for auditing and tracking document changes.

// Extract build information
String creationDate = pdfDocument.getCreationDate();
String modificationDate = pdfDocument.getModificationDate();

// Display build information
System.out.println("Creation Date: " + creationDate);
System.out.println("Modification Date: " + modificationDate);

Combining Product and Build Information

You can easily combine the extracted product and build information to create a comprehensive report or document summary in your Java application.

// Combine product and build information
String documentSummary = "Product: " + productName + " (Version: " + productVersion + ")\n";
documentSummary += "Created on: " + creationDate + "\n";
documentSummary += "Last Modified: " + modificationDate;

// Display the document summary
System.out.println("Document Summary:\n" + documentSummary);


In this article, we explored how to extract product and build information from PDF files in Java using Aspose.PDF for Java. We covered the basic steps to get started, extract product and build details, and combine them into a useful document summary. Aspose.PDF for Java is a valuable tool for developers working with PDF documents, providing the flexibility and functionality needed for various tasks.


How can I extract product information from a PDF file?

To extract product information from a PDF file using Aspose.PDF for Java, follow these steps:

  1. Import the Aspose.PDF library.
  2. Load the PDF document.
  3. Use the getProductName(), getProductVersion(), and getProductManufacturer() methods to extract product details.

What is build information, and why is it important?

Build information in a PDF file includes details about when the document was created or modified. It’s essential for tracking document history and auditing changes.

Can I customize the way I display extracted information?

Yes, you can customize the output format to suit your needs. You can format the extracted data as per your application’s requirements.

Are there any limitations to extracting data with Aspose.PDF for Java?

Aspose.PDF for Java is a powerful library, but like any software, it may have some limitations. However, the library provides workarounds for many scenarios, and you can consult the documentation for guidance.

Is Aspose.PDF for Java suitable for both small and large PDF files?

Yes, Aspose.PDF for Java is suitable for processing both small and large PDF files. It offers efficient methods for working with PDF documents of varying sizes.