In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of converting a PDF file to EPUB format using Aspose.PDF for .NET. The PDF format is commonly used to display documents, while the EPUB format is specially designed for e-books. By following the steps below, you will be able to convert PDF files to EPUB format.


Before you begin, make sure you meet the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of the C# programming language.
  • Aspose.PDF library for .NET installed on your system.
  • A development environment such as Visual Studio.

Step 1: Loading the PDF document

In this step, we will upload the PDF file using Aspose.PDF for .NET. Follow the code below:

// Path to the documents directory.

// Load the PDF document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "PDFToEPUB.pdf");

Be sure to replace "YOUR DOCUMENTS DIRECTORY" with the actual directory where your PDF file is located.

Step 2: Instantiating EPUB save options

After loading the PDF document, we will instantiate the save options for the EPUB format. Use the following code:

// Instantiate EPUB backup options
EpubSaveOptions options = new EpubSaveOptions();

Step 3: Specification of content layout

Now we will specify the layout of the contents of the EPUB book. Use the following code:

// Specification of the layout for the contents
options.ContentRecognitionMode = EpubSaveOptions.RecognitionMode.Flow;

Step 4: Saving the EPUB document

Once we have configured the save options, we can now save the resulting EPUB file. Here is the last step:

// Save the EPUB document
pdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "PDFToEPUB_out.epub", options);

Replace "YOUR DOCUMENTS DIRECTORY" with the desired directory where you want to save the output EPUB file.

Example source code for PDF to EPUB using Aspose.PDF for .NET

// The path to the documents directory.

// Load PDF document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(dataDir + "PDFToEPUB.pdf");

// Instantiate Epub Save options
EpubSaveOptions options = new EpubSaveOptions();

// Specify the layout for contents
options.ContentRecognitionMode = EpubSaveOptions.RecognitionMode.Flow;

// Save the ePUB document
pdfDocument.Save(dataDir + "PDFToEPUB_out.epub", options);


In this tutorial, we have covered the step-by-step process of converting a PDF file in EPUB format using Aspose.PDF for .NET. By following the instructions above, you can easily convert PDF files to EPUB format. This feature is especially useful for converting PDF documents into readable e-books on different devices.


Q: Can I convert password-protected PDF files to EPUB format using Aspose.PDF for .NET?

A: As of the current version, Aspose.PDF for .NET does not provide direct support for converting password-protected PDF files to EPUB format. To convert password-protected PDFs, you would need to remove the password from the PDF file first using Aspose.PDF or other means, and then proceed with the conversion to EPUB format.

Q: What is the difference between “EpubSaveOptions.RecognitionMode.Flow” and “EpubSaveOptions.RecognitionMode.PreserveLayout”?

A: The “EpubSaveOptions.RecognitionMode.Flow” specifies that the content in the EPUB book will flow and adjust dynamically based on the device or screen size. This mode is suitable for reflowable EPUBs, where the content adapts to different reading environments. On the other hand, “EpubSaveOptions.RecognitionMode.PreserveLayout” preserves the layout of the content as it appears in the source PDF, which is more suitable for fixed-layout EPUBs.

Q: Can I customize the EPUB output using Aspose.PDF for .NET?

A: Yes, Aspose.PDF for .NET provides various options for customizing the EPUB output. You can set metadata, configure the appearance, add cover images, define table of contents, and more. Additionally, you can control the recognition mode, as shown in the example, to adapt the content layout in the EPUB output.

Q: Are there any limitations when converting complex PDFs to EPUB format?

A: While Aspose.PDF for .NET offers robust PDF to EPUB conversion capabilities, there might be certain complex PDFs with intricate layouts, graphics, or non-standard fonts that could have limitations during the conversion process. It’s recommended to test your specific PDF files to ensure the output EPUB format meets your requirements.