Load License From Stream Object

In this tutorial, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to load a license from a Stream object using Aspose.PDF for .NET. Aspose.PDF is a powerful library that allows you to create, manipulate and convert PDF documents programmatically. By uploading a license, you can unlock additional features offered by Aspose.PDF.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Visual Studio installed with .NET framework.
  2. The Aspose.PDF library for .NET.

Step 1: Project Setup

To get started, create a new project in Visual Studio and add a reference to the Aspose.PDF for .NET library. You can download the library from Aspose official website and install it on your machine.

Step 2: Import the necessary namespaces

In your C# code file, import the namespaces required to access the classes and methods provided by Aspose.PDF:

using System;
using System.IO;
using Aspose.Pdf;

Step 3: Defining the document directory

Before uploading the license, you must specify the path to the documents directory where your license file is located. For example :


Be sure to replace "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY" with the actual path to the documents directory on your machine.

Step 4: License Object Initialization

After setting the document directory, you need to initialize the license object of Aspose.PDF. Use the following line of code to initialize the license object:

Aspose.Pdf.License license = new Aspose.Pdf.License();

Step 5: Loading the license from a Stream object

Once the license object is initialized, you can load the license from a Stream object. Use the following lines of code to load the license:

FileStream myStream = new FileStream("PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE", FileMode.Open);

Be sure to replace "PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE" with the actual path to the license file on your machine.

Step 6: License Upload Confirmation

After loading the license, you can display a confirmation message to check if the license has been loaded successfully. Use the following line of code to display a message in the console:

Console.WriteLine("License loaded successfully.");

Sample source code for Load License From Stream Object using Aspose.PDF for .NET

// The path to the documents directory.
// Initialize license object
Aspose.Pdf.License license = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
// Load license in FileStream
FileStream myStream = new FileStream("PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE", FileMode.Open);
// Set license
Console.WriteLine("License set successfully.");


In this tutorial, you learned how to load a license from a Stream object using Aspose.PDF for .NET. By following the described steps, you will be able to unlock the additional features offered by Aspose.PDF and use the library optimally in your C# projects.

FAQ’s for load license from stream object

Q: What is the advantage of loading a license from a Stream object?

A: Loading a license from a Stream object allows you to provide the license data directly from a stream, which can be useful in scenarios where the license file is stored in memory or retrieved from a remote source.

Q: How do I import the necessary namespaces for Aspose.PDF?

A: In your C# code file, use the using directive to import the required namespaces for accessing the classes and methods provided by Aspose.PDF and System.IO:

using System;
using System.IO;
using Aspose.Pdf;

Q: How do I define the document directory for the license file?

A: Before uploading the license, specify the path to the documents directory where your license file is located. Replace "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY" with the actual path to the documents directory on your machine.

Q: How do I initialize the license object?

A: After setting the document directory, initialize the license object of Aspose.PDF using the following line of code:

Aspose.Pdf.License license = new Aspose.Pdf.License();

Q: How do I load the license from a Stream object?

A: Load the license from a Stream object using the SetLicense method of the license object. Create a FileStream and pass it to the method. Replace "PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE" with the actual path to the license file on your machine:

FileStream myStream = new FileStream("PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE", FileMode.Open);

Q: How do I confirm that the license has been loaded successfully?

A: After loading the license, display a confirmation message to check if the license has been loaded successfully. Use the following line of code to display a message in the console:

Console.WriteLine("License loaded successfully.");

Q: Can I use a Stream from a remote source to load the license?

A: Yes, you can use a MemoryStream or other stream types to load a license from a remote source or from memory.

Q: Do I need to close the FileStream after loading the license?

A: Yes, it is recommended to close the FileStream or release the stream resources after loading the license to ensure proper memory management.

Q: Can I load the license from a byte array instead of a FileStream?

A: Yes, you can convert a byte array to a MemoryStream and then use the SetLicense method to load the license from the stream.

Q: Is the loaded license valid for the entire application?

A: Yes, once the license is loaded using the SetLicense method, it remains active for the entire application domain and enables the additional features for all instances of Aspose.PDF objects.

Q: How do I learn more about licensing in Aspose.PDF?

A: For more information about licensing, pricing, and related details, visit the Aspose.PDF Licensing page.

Q: Can I use a trial version of Aspose.PDF before loading a license?

A: Yes, you can use the trial version of Aspose.PDF to evaluate its features. However, to unlock the full potential of the library, you need to load a valid license.