Create Local Hyperlink In PDF File

Creating local hyperlinks in PDF file lets you create clickable links that take users to other pages in the same PDF document. With Aspose.PDF for .NET, you can easily create such links by following the following source code:

Step 1: Import Required Libraries

Before you begin, you need to import the necessary libraries for your C# project. Here is the necessary import directive:

using Aspose.Pdf;
using Aspose.Pdf.Text;
using Aspose.Pdf.InteractiveFeatures;

Step 2: Set path to documents folder

In this step, you need to specify the path to the folder where you want to save the resulting PDF file. Replace "YOUR DOCUMENT DIRECTORY" in the following code with the actual path to your documents folder:


Step 3: Create an instance of Document

We will create an instance of the Document class to represent our PDF document. Here is the corresponding code:

Document doc = new Document();

In this step, we are going to add a page to our PDF document and add some text containing local hyperlinks. We will define the target pages for each link. Here is the corresponding code:

Page page = doc.Pages.Add();

TextFragment text = new TextFragment("Link to page 7");
LocalHyperlink link = new LocalHyperlink();
link.TargetPageNumber = 7;
text. Hyperlink = link;

text = new TextFragment("Link to page 1");
text. IsInNewPage = true;
link = new LocalHyperlink();
link.TargetPageNumber = 1;
text. Hyperlink = link;

Step 5: Save the updated document

Now let’s save the updated PDF file using the Save method of the doc object. Here is the corresponding code:

dataDir = dataDir + "CreateLocalHyperlink_out.pdf";
// The path to the documents directory.
// Create Document instance
Document doc = new Document();
// Add page to pages collection of PDF file
Page page = doc.Pages.Add();
// Create Text Fragment instance
Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment text = new Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment("link page number test to page 7");
// Create local hyperlink instance
Aspose.Pdf.LocalHyperlink link = new Aspose.Pdf.LocalHyperlink();
// Set target page for link instance
link.TargetPageNumber = 7;
// Set TextFragment hyperlink
text.Hyperlink = link;
// Add text to paragraphs collection of Page
// Create new TextFragment instance
text = new TextFragment("link page number test to page 1");
// TextFragment should be added over new page
text.IsInNewPage = true;
// Create another local hyperlink instance
link = new LocalHyperlink();
// Set Target page for second hyperlink
link.TargetPageNumber = 1;
// Set link for second TextFragment
text.Hyperlink = link;
// Add text to paragraphs collection of page object
dataDir = dataDir + "CreateLocalHyperlink_out.pdf";
// Save updated document
Console.WriteLine("\nLocal hyperlink created successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);            


Congratulation ! Now you have a step by step guide to create local hyperlinks in a PDF using Aspose.PDF for .NET. You can use this code to create clickable links that take users to other pages in the same document.

Be sure to check out the official Aspose.PDF documentation for more information on advanced hyperlinking features.

A: Local hyperlinks in a PDF file are clickable links that navigate users to different pages within the same document. These links enhance navigation and allow readers to quickly access relevant sections.

A: Local hyperlinks provide an efficient way to connect related content within the same PDF document. They improve user experience by enabling readers to quickly jump to specific sections without scrolling through the entire document.

A: Aspose.PDF for .NET offers comprehensive support for creating local hyperlinks. The step-by-step tutorial provided in this guide demonstrates how to add local hyperlinks to your PDF document using C#.

A: Yes, you can customize the appearance of local hyperlinks, including text color and style, to ensure they match your document’s design and provide a consistent visual experience.

A: Absolutely! You can create multiple local hyperlinks within a single PDF page, allowing readers to jump to various sections or pages as needed. Each local hyperlink can be tailored to its respective target.

A: While local hyperlinks typically navigate to entire pages, you can create anchors or bookmarks within your PDF document to achieve targeted linking. Aspose.PDF for .NET supports various hyperlinking options.

A: By following the tutorial and sample code provided, you can confidently create functional local hyperlinks. You can test the links by opening the generated PDF document and clicking on the hyperlinked text.

A: Local hyperlinks are an effective way to enhance document navigation, but it’s important to ensure that the document’s structure remains clear and intuitive. Properly labeled hyperlinks and anchors contribute to a positive user experience.

A: Yes, you can create local hyperlinks within various elements of your PDF document, including tables, images, and text. Aspose.PDF for .NET offers flexibility in adding hyperlinks to different types of content.