Specify Page When Viewing

Learn how to specify a page when viewing a PDF file using Aspose.PDF for .NET with this step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Setting up the environment

Make sure you have set up your development environment with a C# project and the appropriate Aspose.PDF references.

Step 2: Loading the PDF file

Set the directory path of your documents and upload the PDF file using the following code:

// The path to the documents directory.
// Load the PDF file
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "SpecifyPageWhenViewing.pdf");

Step 3: Specifying the target page

Get the target page instance using the following code:

Page page2 = doc.Pages[2];

You can adjust the index [2] to select the desired page.

Step 4: Configuring the zoom setting

Create a variable to set the target page zoom factor:

double zoom = 1;

You can adjust the zoom value according to your needs.

Step 5: Create the navigation action

Create an instance of the navigation action using the specified target page:

GoToAction action = new GoToAction(doc.Pages[2]);

Step 6: Setting the destination

Set the destination to go to the target page using coordinates and zoom:

action.Destination = new XYZExplicitDestination(page2, 0, page2.Rect.Height, zoom);

Step 7: Configuring the Document Open Action

Set the document open action with the created navigation action:

doc. OpenAction = action;

Step 8: Save the updated document

Save the updated document using the Save method:

doc.Save(dataDir + "goto2page_out.pdf");

Sample source code for Specify Page When Viewing using Aspose.PDF for .NET

// The path to the documents directory.
// Load the PDF file
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "SpecifyPageWhenViewing.pdf");
// Get the instance of second page of document
Page page2 = doc.Pages[2];
// Create the variable to set the zoom factor of target page
double zoom = 1;
// Create GoToAction instance
GoToAction action = new GoToAction(doc.Pages[2]);
// Go to 2 page
action.Destination = new XYZExplicitDestination(page2, 0, page2.Rect.Height, zoom);
// Set the document open action
doc.OpenAction = action;
// Save updated document
doc.Save(dataDir + "goto2page_out.pdf");


Congratulation ! You now know how to specify a page when viewing a PDF using Aspose.PDF for .NET. Use this knowledge to customize the user viewing experience in your PDF documents.

Now that you’ve completed this guide, you can apply these concepts to your own projects and further explore the features offered by Aspose.PDF for .NET.


Q: What is the purpose of specifying a target page when viewing a PDF file?

A: Specifying a target page allows you to control which page of a PDF document is displayed when the file is opened. This can enhance the user experience by directing them to a specific page of interest.

Q: How can specifying a target page be useful in PDF documents?

A: Specifying a target page is beneficial when you want to guide users to a particular section or content within a PDF document without requiring them to manually navigate through the pages.

Q: How does Aspose.PDF for .NET facilitate specifying a target page for viewing?

A: Aspose.PDF for .NET provides APIs that allow you to set the initial view of a PDF document, including the target page, zoom level, and other display properties.

Q: Can I specify any page to be the target page?

A: Yes, you can specify any page within the PDF document as the target page for viewing. Simply use the appropriate index to select the desired page.

Q: What is the significance of the zoom factor when specifying a target page?

A: The zoom factor determines the level of magnification applied to the target page when the PDF document is opened. It controls how much content is displayed within the viewport.

Q: Can I set different zoom factors for different target pages?

A: Yes, you can set different zoom factors for different target pages by creating separate GoToAction instances and configuring their destinations accordingly.

Q: Are there any limitations to specifying a target page?

A: Specifying a target page is limited to controlling the initial view when the PDF is opened. It does not affect user interactions or navigation once the PDF is displayed.

Q: Can I use this feature to create presentations within a PDF document?

A: Yes, you can use this feature to create presentation-like experiences within a PDF document, guiding users through different sections or topics.

Q: Can I customize other aspects of the initial view, such as page layout?

A: Yes, Aspose.PDF for .NET provides properties to customize other aspects of the initial view, including page layout, page mode, and more.

Q: How can I test if the specified target page and zoom factor are working as intended?

A: After applying the provided code to specify the target page and zoom factor, open the modified PDF file and verify that it opens with the correct page and zoom level.