Determine Correct Password In PDF File

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of determining the correct password in PDF file using Aspose.PDF for .NET. This feature allows you to check if a PDF file is password protected and find the correct password from a predefined list.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of the C# programming language
  • Installing Visual Studio on your machine
  • Aspose.PDF library for .NET installed

Step 2: Environment setup

To get started, follow these steps to set up your development environment:

  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new C# project.
  2. Import the required namespaces into your code file:
using Aspose.Pdf;

Step 3: Loading source PDF file

The first step is to upload the source PDF file you want to verify. In this example, we assume that you have a PDF file named “IsPasswordProtected.pdf” in the specified directory.

PdfFileInfo info = new PdfFileInfo();
info.BindPdf(dataDir + "IsPasswordProtected.pdf");

Be sure to replace the placeholders with the actual locations of your PDF file.

Step 4: Determine Source PDF Encryption

Once you have uploaded the source PDF file, you can determine if it is encrypted using the IsEncrypted method of the PdfFileInfo object.

Console.WriteLine("The file is password protected: " + info.IsEncrypted);

This statement displays whether the PDF file is password protected or not.

Step 5: Finding the correct password

Next, we will search for the correct password using a predefined list of passwords. We go through each password in the list and try to load the PDF document with that password.

String[] passwords = new String[5] { "test", "test1", "test2", "test3", "sample" };
for (int passwordcount = 0; passwordcount < passwords.Length; passwordcount++)
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "IsPasswordProtected.pdf", passwords[passwordcount]);
if (doc.Pages.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("The document contains " + doc.Pages.Count + " pages.");
catch (InvalidPasswordException)
Console.WriteLine("The password " + passwords[passwordcount] + " is not correct.");

This loop tests each word of pass from the list. If the password is correct, the number of pages in the document is displayed. Otherwise, a message indicating that the password is not correct is displayed.

Sample source code for Determine Correct Password using Aspose.PDF for .NET

// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = "YOUR DOCUMENTS DIRECTORY";            
// Load source PDF file
PdfFileInfo info = new PdfFileInfo();
info.BindPdf(dataDir + "IsPasswordProtected.pdf");
// Determine if the source PDF is encrypted
Console.WriteLine("File is password protected " + info.IsEncrypted);
String[] passwords = new String[5] { "test", "test1", "test2", "test3", "sample" };
for (int passwordcount = 0; passwordcount < passwords.Length; passwordcount++)
		Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "IsPasswordProtected.pdf", passwords[passwordcount]);
		if (doc.Pages.Count > 0)
			Console.WriteLine("Number of Page in document are = " + doc.Pages.Count);
	catch (InvalidPasswordException)
		Console.WriteLine("Password = " + passwords[passwordcount] + "  is not correct");


Congratulation ! You have successfully determined the correct password for a PDF file using Aspose.PDF for .NET. This tutorial covered the step-by-step process, from verifying file encryption to finding the correct password from a predefined list. Now you can use this feature to check and find the correct password of your PDF files.

FAQ’s for determine correct password in PDF file

Q: What is the purpose of this tutorial?

A: This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of determining the correct password for a PDF file using Aspose.PDF for .NET. This feature allows you to check whether a PDF file is password protected and attempt to find the correct password from a predefined list.

Q: What prerequisites are required before starting?

A: Before you begin, make sure you have a basic understanding of the C# programming language, have Visual Studio installed on your machine, and have the Aspose.PDF library for .NET installed.

Q: How do I set up the development environment?

A: Follow the provided steps to set up your development environment, including creating a new C# project in Visual Studio, and importing the required namespaces.

Q: How do I determine if a PDF file is encrypted?

A: Use the PdfFileInfo class to bind the source PDF file. Then, use the IsEncrypted property to determine if the PDF file is password protected.

Q: How can I find the correct password for a PDF file?

A: After determining that the PDF file is encrypted, you can attempt to find the correct password by using a predefined list of passwords. The provided sample code demonstrates how to loop through the list, try each password, and determine if the password is correct.

Q: What happens if the correct password is found?

A: If the correct password is found, the sample code will display the number of pages in the PDF document.

Q: What if the password is not correct?

A: If the password is not correct, the sample code will catch the InvalidPasswordException and display a message indicating that the password is not correct.

Q: Can I use a different list of passwords?

A: Yes, you can modify the passwords array in the sample code to include the passwords you want to test.

Q: How do I know the password has been successfully determined?

A: If the sample code successfully loads the PDF document with a password and displays the number of pages, it means that the correct password has been determined.

Q: How can I ensure the security of my passwords while testing?

A: Be cautious when using a predefined list of passwords, and avoid using sensitive or confidential passwords for testing purposes. Additionally, remove or modify the testing code before deploying your application.