Extract Text From Stamp Annotation

In this tutorial, we will take you step by step on how to extract text from a stamp annotation in a PDF document using Aspose.PDF for .NET. We’ll show you how to use the provided C# source code to extract the text from a specific stamp annotation on a given page of the PDF document.

Step 1: Setting up the environment

Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • An installed .NET development environment.
  • The Aspose.PDF library for .NET downloaded and referenced in your project.

Step 2: Loading the PDF document

The first step is to load the existing PDF document into your project. Here’s how:

// The path to the documents directory.

// Load the document
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "test.pdf");

Be sure to replace “YOUR DOCUMENTS DIRECTORY” with the actual path to the directory where your PDF document is located.

Step 3: Extract text from stamp annotation

Now that you have loaded the PDF document, you can extract the text from the specific stamp annotation. Here’s how:

// Retrieve buffer annotation
StampAnnotation annot = doc.Pages[1].Annotations[3] as StampAnnotation;

// Create a text absorber
TextAbsorber ta = new TextAbsorber();

// Visit the appearance of the annotation
XForm ap = annot. Appearance["N"];

// Display the extracted text

The code above retrieves the stamp annotation from the specified page of the PDF document and then uses a text absorber to extract the text from the appearance of the annotation. The extracted text is then displayed in the output.

Sample source code for Extract Text From Stamp Annotation using Aspose.PDF for .NET

Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "test.pdf");
StampAnnotation annot = doc.Pages[1].Annotations[3] as StampAnnotation;
TextAbsorber ta = new TextAbsorber();
XForm ap = annot.Appearance["N"];


Congratulation ! You have learned how to extract text from a stamp annotation in a PDF document using Aspose.PDF for .NET. You can now use this method to extract text from other annotations in your PDF documents.

FAQ’s for extract text from stamp annotation

Q: What is a stamp annotation in a PDF document, and why would I need to extract text from it?

A: A stamp annotation in a PDF document is a graphical element that can be used to provide additional information, such as a watermark or a rubber stamp. Extracting text from a stamp annotation is useful when you want to retrieve text-based content from these annotations, which can include notes, labels, or other textual information.

Q: How does the provided C# source code extract text from a stamp annotation?

A: The provided source code demonstrates how to extract text from a specific stamp annotation on a given page of a PDF document. It uses the Aspose.PDF library to retrieve the stamp annotation, visit its appearance using a TextAbsorber, and then displays the extracted text in the output.

Q: Can I extract text from different types of annotations using a similar approach?

A: Yes, you can use a similar approach to extract text from other types of annotations, such as text annotations or popup annotations. You would need to modify the code to target the specific type of annotation you want to extract text from.

Q: What is the purpose of the TextAbsorber class in the code?

A: The TextAbsorber class is used to extract text from different parts of a PDF document, including stamp annotations. It “absorbs” or captures the text content found in the specified area or element of the PDF.

Q: How do I identify the specific stamp annotation I want to extract text from?

A: In the provided code, the stamp annotation is identified by accessing the Annotations collection of a specific page and using the index to retrieve the desired annotation. You can adjust the index or use other criteria to identify the target annotation.

Q: Can I extract text from multiple stamp annotations on the same page?

A: Yes, you can modify the code to loop through the Annotations collection of a page, filter out stamp annotations, and extract text from each of them.

Q: What if the stamp annotation has no textual content? Will the code still work?

A: The code will still work, but it will extract and display an empty string if the stamp annotation’s appearance does not contain any textual content.

Q: How can I save the extracted text to a file instead of displaying it in the output?

A: You can modify the code to save the extracted text to a file instead of displaying it in the console. Simply replace the Console.WriteLine statement with code to write the text to a file.

Q: How can I use the extracted text in further processing or analysis?

A: Once you have extracted the text using the provided method, you can store it in a variable, manipulate it, analyze it, or integrate it into other parts of your application as needed.