Rounded Corner Table In PDF Document

In this tutorial, we will guide you step by step to create a rounded corner table in PDF document using Aspose.PDF for .NET. We’ll explain the provided C# source code and show you how to implement it.

Step 1: Creating the table

First, we will create the table using the following code:

Aspose.Pdf.Table tab1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Table();

Step 2: Rounded Corner Style Setup

Next, we’ll configure the rounded corner style for the table:

tab1.CornerStyle = Aspose.Pdf.BorderCornerStyle.Round;

Step 3: Table Border Setup

To give the table a rounded corner border, we need to create a BorderInfo object and configure it with the appropriate parameters:

// Create a GraphInfo object to set the border color
GraphInfo graph = new GraphInfo();
graph.Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Red;

// Create an empty BorderInfo object
BorderInfo bInfo = new BorderInfo(BorderSide.All, graph);

// Set the radius of the rounded border to 15
bInfo.RoundedBorderRadius = 15;

// Apply border information to the table
tab1.Border = bInfo;

Example source code for Rounded Corner Table using Aspose.PDF for .NET

// The path to the documents directory.
Aspose.Pdf.Table tab1 = new Aspose.Pdf.Table();

GraphInfo graph = new GraphInfo();
graph.Color = Aspose.Pdf.Color.Red;
// Create a blank BorderInfo object
BorderInfo bInfo = new BorderInfo(BorderSide.All, graph);
// Set the border a rounder border where radius of round is 15
bInfo.RoundedBorderRadius = 15;
// Set the table Corner style as Round.
tab1.CornerStyle = Aspose.Pdf.BorderCornerStyle.Round;
// Set the table border information
tab1.Border = bInfo;


Congratulation ! You have now learned how to create a rounded corner table in a PDF document using Aspose.PDF for .NET. This step-by-step guide showed you how to set up the rounded corner style and table border. Now you can apply this knowledge to your own projects.

FAQ’s for rounded corner table in PDF document

Q: Can I customize the radius of the rounded corners for the table?

A: Yes, you can customize the radius of the rounded corners for the table by modifying the value of the bInfo.RoundedBorderRadius property in the provided C# source code. Simply set the desired radius value (in points) to achieve the desired rounded corner appearance.

Q: Can I apply rounded corners to individual cells within the table?

A: No, the rounded corner style is applied to the entire table as a whole. Aspose.PDF for .NET currently does not provide built-in support for applying rounded corners to individual cells within the table.

Q: Can I change the color of the rounded corner border?

A: Yes, you can change the color of the rounded corner border by modifying the value of the graph.Color property in the C# source code. Simply provide the desired color, such as Aspose.Pdf.Color.Red or any other valid color representation.

Q: Is it possible to apply different corner styles (e.g., square and rounded) to different tables within the same PDF document?

A: Yes, it is possible to apply different corner styles to different tables within the same PDF document. You can create multiple tables and configure their corner styles individually based on your requirements.

Q: Can I adjust the thickness of the rounded corner border?

A: Yes, you can adjust the thickness of the rounded corner border by modifying the BorderInfo object’s properties in the C# source code. For example, you can set the bInfo.Width property to adjust the border’s thickness.